Teen Vogue: Musk’s Foul-Mouthed Offspring Hurls Insults

Teen Vogue: Musk’s Foul-Mouthed Offspring Hurls Insults

Teen Vogue: Musk’s Foul-Mouthed Offspring Hurls Insults

Elon Musk’s son-turned-daughter, Vivian called the billionaire a “pathetic man child” in a Teen Vogue interview a few days ago.

Of course, I had to look at this train wreck interview. Ella Turman of Teen Vogue sat down on ZOOM to talk to Xavier-“Vivian”. Musk’s child is now living in Japan and “studying languages”. “Vivian Jenna”, as they like to be called, was also TWO HOURS late to the scheduled interview time on ZOOM. Entitled much?

Suffice to say, “Vivian” wants nothing to do with her biological dad.

The above clip from The Young Turks (TYT), who painted Musk as an ogre for talking about his feelings regarding his son’s desire to transition and “the woke mind virus”. What a terrible thing for a father to do! Now, I am not saying Elon Musk is Father of The Year. I am not hailing Elon as the picture-perfect father figure AT ALL. He is no saint. He has many baby mamas. He is not a Conservative and yes, there may be a little narcissism there. But this Teen Vogue write-up is something.

Two years after Wilson filed that name-change petition (and, notably, just nine days after Musk officially endorsed now-President Trump’s campaign), her father spoke about her in a conversation with manosphere influencer Jordan Peterson, repeatedly deadnaming Wilson and claiming she’d been “killed by the woke mind virus.” During that interview, Musk built on the picture of Wilson painted in Walter Isaacson’s 2023 biography, Elon Musk. In that telling, according to Wilson, she was an angry, rebellious child, blinded by radical anticapitalist ideology and hurting her father with her rash decisions.”-Ella Turnan, Teen Vogue

Manosphere influencer, Jordan Peterson? I strongly suggest Turnan, or any of the writers at Teen Vogue, for that matter, attempt to sit through any of Dr. Peterson’s sessions. It would literally break their brains. I’d say “Vivian” and “her” sympathizers could perhaps benefit from reading 12 Rules For Life, but the reading and the language with which it was written, may be a little too advanced for these little, self-centered morons. Manosphere.

“Vivian” is out-loud and proud-and “she” has exited the manosphere. The Teen Vogue cover story features “Vivian” in the typical androgynous aesthetic loved by the LGBTQ-Twitch crowd. Long, flowing blood hair in ugly, overpriced designer clothes. With the exception of a plaid skirt and an Issey Miyake dress, “Vivian” looks like a boy with long hair in a suit. There is nothing inherently feminine about “Vivian”‘s tall, lanky frame and large MAN feet. You can put a pink tie on “her”, but “she” is still a young man-and a sad and angry one at that.

I’ll see things about him in the news and think, That’s f**king cringe, I should probably post about this and denounce it, which I have done a few times.

The Nazi salute sh*t was insane. Honey, we’re going to call a fig a fig, and we’re going to call a Nazi salute what it was. That sh*t was definitely a Nazi salute. The crowd is equally to blame, and I feel like people are not talking about that. That crowd should be denounced.

But other than that, I don’t give a f**k about him. I really don’t. It’s annoying that people associate me with him. I just don’t have any room to care anymore.”-Vivian Jenna Wilson

(AHEM) If we’re calling figs, figs, Honey, then…. but “Viv” rolls on:

He’s a pathetic man-child. Why would I feel scared of him? Ohhh, he has so much power. Nah, nah, nah. I don’t give a f**k. Why should I be scared of this man? Because he’s rich? Oh, no, I’m trembling. Ooh, shivering in my boots here. I don’t give a f**k how much money anyone has. I don’t. I really don’t. He owns Twitter. Okay. Congratulations.

People thrive off of fear. I’m not giving anyone that space in my mind. The only thing that gets to live free in my mind are drag queens.”-Vivian Jenna Wilson

“Vivian”, who is studying languages in Japan says “she” believes in universal basic income and free health care and believe food, shelter, and water for all humans of the world and that “wealth inequality is one of the biggest problems of the United States right now, especially of our generation.” Again. :Vivian” is not out on the streets feeding the poor. “She” is studying in Japan. But, “she” did muse on the homeless problem in Los Angeles before she left to study abroad, so, I guess that counts:

Seeing that kind of wealth — extravagant wealth — firsthand, while living in Los Angeles and seeing the [huge] homelessness problem, the wealth gap… You start to wonder, How is this fair? You have to inevitably come to the conclusion it’s not. There is no world in which people should be owning multiple private planes, private islands, private whatever, while other people are sleeping on the street.”-Vivian Jenna Wilson

But “she” left to cross the international dateline for Nippon? Instead of feeding the poor, “Vivian” would much rather be the self-proclaimed “Queen of Threads” who thinks “she” is really effing funny. When asked about “her” posting prowess:

‘Posting talent’ is sending me. B*tch, I don’t know.I don’t know if I’m good at social media — I don’t know if I would go that far. I make posts. Sometimes people like them and sometimes people don’t. My target audience is me. If I laugh, then I’ll think, Oh, maybe some other people will laugh — and if they don’t, I don’t give a f**k.”-Vivian Jenna Wilson

We get “Vivian” is talking like a drag queen here in the “sending me, b*tch” comment but alas, here we go. The world is all about “Vivian”, Queen of Threads, who “doesn’t give a f*ck” and likes to show up two hours late to an interview and call the interviewer “B*tch”.

Confused. Bitter. Angry. And, very sad. Seems as if “Vivian” could also benefit from Dr. Peterson’s 12 Rules For Life:

Rule 1: Fix your Posture

It’s not a woman’s posture.

Rule 2: Care for yourself like how you’d care for someone else

“IDGAF” is not a caring philosophy for yourself or others.

Rule 3: Surround yourself with people who want the best for you

Even if it is those who believe your delusions.

Rule 4: Improve your own game instead of playing others’

Why even do an interview at all if you DGAF about “Daddy”?

Rule 5: Teach your children to abide by society’s rules

If you’re medically castrated, the odds of having to actually do this are slim.

Rule 6: Get your own house in order before criticizing others

When you make your own money and become the richest trans person in the world on your own merit and not be association, then, maybe you can talk.

Rule 7: Focus on a higher purpose, not instant gratification

Like not cutting off your genitals?

Rule 8: Find your personal truth and live it

Unless, it’s a lie. Then, you have some true soul-searching to do.

Rule 9: Learn to be a good listener

Nothing says “good listener” like, “B*tch, I don’t give a f*ck”.

Rule 10: Define your problem precisely to make it manageable

Problem defined: “Vivian” is a spoiled, entitled brat. Simple. There. We’ve defined the problem.

Rule 11: Accept that inequality exists

Instead of claiming to be a victim of this “inequality” (you are so far from that), do something other than running your mouth about how much you hate your daddy.

Rule 12: Take time to appreciate the good things in life

We do. And it’s high time some of these kids did, too. . We leave you with another quote from Dr. “Manosphere” Peterson:

Women select men. That makes them nature, because nature is what selects. And you can say ‘Well it’s only symbolic that women are nature’, it’s like no, it’s not just symbolic. The woman is the gatekeeper to reproductive success. And you can’t get more like nature than that, in fact it’s the very definition of nature.”-Jordan Peterson

“Vivian”? You are not a woman. You never will be. Teen Vogue‘s peddling of these ideas is nothing but leftist, elitist, brainwashing BS. Oh, hi, Anna Wintour! Yes, you, Anna, are a garbage human being.

Photo Credit: ishawalia/FlickR/CC BY 2.0/Cropped

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    Serious question, has anyone ever met a happy trannie? With that level of mental illness, they ALL seem unhappy and often angry / hateful

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