#Ferguson: Brown Family Releases Statement Ahead of Verdict

#Ferguson: Brown Family Releases Statement Ahead of Verdict

The Brown family is making a plea for non-violence after the verdict. Last Thursday, Michael Brown Sr. released this video statement: And now, with the grand jury’s…

Obama: Who Is This Jonathan Gruber? He Never Worked For Me – Even Though He Got Paid For It

We are now up to at least six videos illustrating the smug opinions and snobbish attitudes from MIT professor and Obamacare consultant Jonathan Gruber. The fact that…

Another Men Are Pigs Video — But Is It a Hoax?

So is this a thing now? On the heels of the now-infamous video of a woman walking through New York receiving multiple catcalls, videographer Stephen Zhang has…

Yo, Potty-Mouthed Feminists? This One’s for You

Dear Feminists: You all thought you were, like, so kewl and edgy with your nasty little video showing junior feminazis dropping the F-Bomb while spreading your lies about…

The Benghazi YouTube Video Narrative Began the Night of the Attack, Says Issa

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Chairman of the House Reform and Oversight Committee, has revealed excerpts from still-classified emails regarding the Benghazi attack from the State Department, in…

Michelle Obama in Tonight Show Skit with Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fallon in Drag

Michelle Obama in Tonight Show Skit with Will Ferrell and Jimmy Fallon in Drag

As if the First Lady isn’t ridiculous enough just by generally opening her mouth, she appeared on the Tonight Show last night with Will Ferrell and Jimmy…

Going for the Left’s throat, Allen West opens CPAC 2013  (Video)

Going for the Left’s throat, Allen West opens CPAC 2013 (Video)

We love former Florida Congressman Allen West here at Victory Girls and it was great to see he opened CPAC today with a fearlessly hard-charging speech! Watch…

Gabby Giffords’s Handwritten Notes for Her Testimony to the Senate  (Video)

Gabby Giffords’s Handwritten Notes for Her Testimony to the Senate (Video)

The faux debate over gun control had its first congressional hearing today since The Imperial President proposed his sweeping gun grab reforms aimed at *helping* what the…

Hollywood Brain Trust “Demand a Plan” on Gun Control  (Video)

Hollywood Brain Trust “Demand a Plan” on Gun Control (Video)

There have been loud calls from the Left for gun control legislation after psycho-creep Adam Lanza killed 26 women and children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in…

“The Children of the Future” Sing Creepy Songs of Dear Leader Obama  (Video) and Saturday Links!

“The Children of the Future” Sing Creepy Songs of Dear Leader Obama (Video) and Saturday Links!

Children of the Corn? Village of the Damned? Stepford Children? Whatever it is, it’s wrong, and you will not enjoy this. *Shudder* This is sad, disgusting and…

SNL: The Undecided Voter (Video)

This video from Saturday Night Live is called “The Undecided Voter” and its full of WIN! Watch it and see for yourself.

Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse:  A Very Zombie Holiday

Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse: A Very Zombie Holiday

As my friend Cathi says, the terms “zombie apocalypse” and “relatives” can be interchangeable during the holidays… But as far as I’m concerned, better safe then sorry;…

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Ava Gardner