Dogs Delisted As “Livestock” According To Chinese Agricultural Ministry

Dogs Delisted As “Livestock” According To Chinese Agricultural Ministry

Many theories have swirled about in speculation of how COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. One of the theories is that the virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan that features bats, cats and dogs for human consumption.

China Designated As Currency Manipulator, Chuck Schumer Cheers

China Designated As Currency Manipulator, Chuck Schumer Cheers

Yesterday the Trump Administration made it official and formally designated China as a currency manipulator. Chuck Schumer, yes THAT Chuck Schumer is a big fan of this…

NAFTA On The Docket For Trump’s First 100 Days [VIDEO]

NAFTA On The Docket For Trump’s First 100 Days [VIDEO]

With Inauguration Day landing on a Friday, and all of the pomp and ceremony to go with it, followed by a weekend, the real work for the…

#ObamaCAN: Three Amigos Summit Of Awkward Handshakes, Lectures, and Bromance [VIDEOS]

#ObamaCAN: Three Amigos Summit Of Awkward Handshakes, Lectures, and Bromance [VIDEOS]

President Obama’s 13 hour jaunt to Ottawa, Canada was a fascinatingly cringeworthy spectacle. It was intended as a summit meeting between Prime Minister Trudeau, Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto,…

China Warns U.S. after Trump’s Nevada Win

China Warns U.S. after Trump’s Nevada Win

Bill Gertz, writing in the Free Beacon, claims that China warned the United States against punitive currency policies that could disrupt China-U.S. relations. The warning came the…

Hillary Clinton Breaks With Obama on Trade, Syria, Immigration, and More

Hillary Clinton Breaks With Obama on Trade, Syria, Immigration, and More

After hedging for months, and despite having served a full term in the Obama Cabinet,Hillary Clinton is trying to distance herself from the president. On Wednesday, Hillary…

Hillary’s Opposition To Keystone XL Conveniently Timed To Papal Visit

Hillary’s Opposition To Keystone XL Conveniently Timed To Papal Visit

Keystone is in the news again. No not the beer, the pipeline. All because Hillary has FINALLY decided to take a stand.  Newsflash… she now opposes the…

Will Bergdahl Actually Be Charged With Desertion?

Will Bergdahl Actually Be Charged With Desertion?

Bowe Bergdahl, who returned to the United States custody this last summer (after spending time in the Taliban’s hands under dubious circumstances) in exchange for 5 Taliban…

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Ava Gardner