Salon Election Strategy: Joy, Vibes And Now Television

Salon Election Strategy: Joy, Vibes And Now Television

As we flip through the society papers of what is happening in the world today, Melanie McFarland of Salon muses about television’s influence on getting Kamala Harris into the White House.

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Chicago Yoot” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Chicago Yoot” Edition

Instead of Saturday morning cartoons, Mrs. Paladin watches TV dramas as they provide a cushion of entertainment in a world of jagged edges. She never takes the…

Carol Burnett Is What We Need and What We All Have Lost

Carol Burnett Is What We Need and What We All Have Lost

The annual Golden Globes took place in Hollywood last night again. We braced ourselves for politically-charged soapboxes from celebrities donning designer duds and traveling with armed security….

Roseanne’s Sandra Bernhard Disses Trump’s Women Voters. [VIDEO]

Roseanne’s Sandra Bernhard Disses Trump’s Women Voters. [VIDEO]

If you’re a has-been actress with a face that would make a freight train take a dirt road, how would you reignite your career? By insulting half…

Actor Says Trump Silence Condones LGBT Persecution

Actor Says Trump Silence Condones LGBT Persecution

Alan Cumming is a Scottish-born actor and naturalized U.S. citizen. With a new television show coming out, publicity is needed. Best way to get publicity today is…

#Emmys: Sean Spicer Cameo Does Not Play Well [VIDEO]

#Emmys: Sean Spicer Cameo Does Not Play Well [VIDEO]

Hollywood just can’t help themselves. Everything is politics now. First, Stephen Colbert is hosting. And he just can’t help himself. Video: hot leak from Russia! Sorry, not…

Five Family-Friendly Binge-Watching Options For Labor Day Weekend [VIDEO]

Five Family-Friendly Binge-Watching Options For Labor Day Weekend [VIDEO]

If you’re not on vacation this weekend, or don’t have home improvement plans that are taking up your time, or other fun commitments (the last two are…

Debate Preview: How Low Is The Bar Set? [VIDEO]

Debate Preview: How Low Is The Bar Set? [VIDEO]

Tonight is the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The race, which is currently a statistical dead heat, will most likely get a bit of…

Sesame Street Moving to HBO – Will It Give Up Tax Money?

Does anyone else remember, during the 2012 election, when Mitt Romney suggested that it was time to defund PBS, saying during one of the debates that Big…

The Bachelor: Chris Teaches Kaitlyn a Painful Lesson on Sex and Love

The Bachelor: Chris Teaches Kaitlyn a Painful Lesson on Sex and Love

Today’s generation of women have been conditioned to think of sex as cheap. It’s something to be easily given away, as opposed to something that should be…

Larry King: No Bias on CNN

Despite bountiful evidence to the contrary, Larry King claims that he never witnessed any media bias in his many years in the business.  Really, he used the word…

Great Glock Commercial and Weekend Links

Glock. The Free Market and the Second Amendment in one user-friendly package! Of course not everyone sees it that way. The liberals in power work really hard…

Can we stop with the fat worship?

I’ve noticed a lot of commercials for a new TV show on ABC Family. The show stars Hairspray star Nikki Blonsky, and Hayley Hasselhoff (yes, David Hasselhoff’s…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner