Lindsey Graham Jokes About Killing Ted Cruz [video]

Lindsey Graham Jokes About Killing Ted Cruz [video]

In former peaceful repose in his august resting place in Simi Valley, CA, the late great President Ronald Reagan is probably now thrashing wildly. Not only did…

Is Trump Headed to the Nomination? It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Is Trump Headed to the Nomination? It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Donald Trump took South Carolina in its winner-take-all primary. It was his second primary win in a row, after New Hampshire, and the Drudge Report gleefully posted…

Cruz birther suits filed, but who really questions his loyalty?

Cruz birther suits filed, but who really questions his loyalty?

Ted Cruz has been sued (again), and despite Donald Trump’s threat of litigation, he is not the plaintiff. Lawrence Joyce, a lawyer and pharmacist (interesting combination) filed…

Donald Trump Goes to War Again, This Time With Pope Francis

Donald Trump Goes to War Again, This Time With Pope Francis

First it was Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz. Now Trump is at war with the Pope. Returning to the Vatican from a trip to Mexico, Pope Francis…

#GOPDebate: Schoolyard Brawl and Crazy Train

#GOPDebate: Schoolyard Brawl and Crazy Train

The most recent GOP Debate was held Saturday night in Greenville, South Carolina amid the shocking news of the death of Supreme Court Justice and defender of…

Ted Cruz should not ignore the porn vote

Ted Cruz should not ignore the porn vote

It’s Valentine’s Day weekend. Where is the love? Ted Cruz’ campaign just pulled a political ad that had a porn actress, Amy Lindsay, as a member of…

Military Heroes to Endorse Ted Cruz, Thanks to Rick Perry

Military Heroes to Endorse Ted Cruz, Thanks to Rick Perry

Texans are reputed to be tough individualists, and they take care of their own. Now one proud son of the Lone Star State is stepping up to…

Trump Threatens Cruz Over Eligibility, But Lawsuit Already Filed

We could call it the YUUUUGE ultimatum, but that would be too easy. Trump doesn’t like how Cruz is running his campaign, so he’s ordering Cruz to…

Donald Trump the Candidate: Fact-Checking Supporter and Media Misinformation [VIDEOS]

Donald Trump the Candidate: Fact-Checking Supporter and Media Misinformation [VIDEOS]

Let me make my position on Donald Trump perfectly clear (now stick with me, Trump supporters, because you may appreciate at least two of the bullet points!):…

Ron Paul Disses Ted Cruz But Praises Bernie Sanders. Go Figure.

Ron Paul Disses Ted Cruz But Praises Bernie Sanders. Go Figure.

Sen. Rand Paul dropped from the Presidential race this past week. Now that his bid is over, his kooky father, Ron Paul, has arisen like Lazarus to…

Trump Wants to Sue Cruz; Judge Says No Way

Trump Wants to Sue Cruz; Judge Says No Way

Someone call Donald Trump a waaaahmbulance — stat! The Butthurt Billionaire quickly abandoned the phony-baloney gracious loser schtick he adopted on Tuesday night when he conceded victory…

The Media Snooze for First Hispanic Caucus Winner Cruz

The Media Snooze for First Hispanic Caucus Winner Cruz

Blogger Warner Todd Hudson, writing at Western Journalism, made this very interesting observation about last night’s Iowa caucus victory for Ted Cruz. He wrote: Ted Cruz’s caucus…

Trump Says Cruz Has ‘No Heart.’ Pot, Meet Kettle.

Trump Says Cruz Has ‘No Heart.’ Pot, Meet Kettle.

This morning Donald Trump appeared on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos and really excoriated his rival Ted Cruz for an ad that appeared in Iowa newspapers…

Iowa Polls One Last Time: Here Are the Winners

Iowa Polls One Last Time: Here Are the Winners

Results have been announced of the winners of the final poll conducted by the Des Moines Register prior to Monday’s caucuses in Iowa. They include Donald Trump…

What Was the Ted Cruz Campaign Thinking?

What Was the Ted Cruz Campaign Thinking?

Ted Cruz’s campaign sent out mailers to some Iowa voters on Friday which have left many infuriated. It was a large card printed with the words “ELECTION…

Victory Girls Vines: #GOPDebate Greatest Hits

Victory Girls Vines: #GOPDebate Greatest Hits

Senator Ted Cruz started out with a bang, and an amazingly accurate imitation of the MIA Donald Trump: Here’s Trump’s reaction: Paging Clint Eastwood.

Trump’s #GOPDebate Boycott: Is He Afraid of Ted Cruz?

Trump’s #GOPDebate Boycott: Is He Afraid of Ted Cruz?

Yesterday, I opined about the threats coming from the Trump campaign that the frontrunner would boycott Thursday’s debate over his one-sided feud with Fox News journalist, Megyn…

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Ava Gardner