You knew it was coming. Another couple is being held captive in Afghanistan, and their families are now releasing videos of them sent to them by an…
Dear Hailey, Idaho: I understand that you are going to be throwing a party for Bowe Bergdahl on June 28th. This was originally supposed to be a…
Bowe Bergdahl, in case you’re not aware, is a United States soldier who has been held as a POW by the Taliban since being captured in 2009. …
It was her 16th birthday, one that the Taliban tried hard to make sure she never saw. But on Friday, July 12, 2013, Malala Yousafzai gave her…
There were 20 people killed today in Afghanistan in two suicide bombings coordinated by the Taliban. A spokesman for the terrorists said the attacks were “a message”…
Yesterday, I wrote about Wikileaks outing of hundreds of Afghan informants, whose lives are now at stake. Early on in the game, Private Bradley Manning was the…
A few days ago, I discussed the Wikileaks document drop, which exposed 90,000 pages of classified documents showing that we were paying Pakistan to aid our enemies….
The internet is abuzz with the document drop at Wikileaks. We’ve been giving Pakistan $1 billion a year in aid, and in return… they’ve been helping our…
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