I’m not a big movie fan. Typically summer blockbusters come and go, and my reaction is “meh.” However, there’s a movie coming out in July that I…
Gather around, everyone, and let me tell you a story of the land from which I come. Welcome to Seattle, where the rain falls for many moons…
The news of Fidel Castro’s death has created waves around the world. As Deanna said, it is indeed the Best November EVER! Cheers and tears of joy abound…
The current trends are not looking good for the NFL. The league is used to commanding huge prices for its commercial time, because it was a guarantee…
Free speech for thee, but not for me? You be the judge. The Colin Kaepernick story has been well covered ever since he started his benchwarming career…
Beleaguered San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick must’ve never heard the old saying, “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!” Like some crazed Energizer Bunny with…
Thirty plus years after the landmark court case that allowed American schools to be integrated, Brown vs. the Board of Education, we may be on the road back to segregation. Why?…
It seems that Obama is not the only demagogue that has had the object of his affections rebuff him lately. A couple weeks ago our very own…
Some hysterical snowflakes at Indiana University in Bloomington got their knickers twisted into quite the knot on Monday night when they spotted whom they thought was a…
So the Ferguson protests have given rise to a whole new menace across the country known as “Don’t Shoot…” insert name of major metropolis here. These are…
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