HuffPo: Killing My Baby Was A Magic Moment!

HuffPo: Killing My Baby Was A Magic Moment!

Nothing brings home how far our culture has fallen than in watching the Moloch Choir given center stage in the public square to celebrate abortion, complete with spotlights, confetti and professional cheerleaders.

“USS: Abortion Tolerance” is a ship to Acceptance

“USS: Abortion Tolerance” is a ship to Acceptance

The same week a young woman shares a video of her abortion on a platform used by countless children, Congress blocks a bill to save survivors of…

NY Times: Leading the Abortion Charge

NY Times: Leading the Abortion Charge

They New York Times goes all in on their support for killing unborn babies. A recent Op-Ed by a late term abortion provider about the “dangers” of…

Abortion Stories That Will Make Your Head Hurt

Abortion Stories That Will Make Your Head Hurt

Alabama governor, Kay Ivey signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act today. All the while, Hollywood is protesting doing business in Georgia and actresses are…

Shout Your Abortion Shrews Embark On a Book Tour

Shout Your Abortion Shrews Embark On a Book Tour

They are coming soon to a city near you. Descending upon you with their “powerful” stories of “courage”. Yep, the Shout Your Abortion shrews are back and…

Coming to a town near you: Pro-Abortion concerts and comedy! [video]

Coming to a town near you: Pro-Abortion concerts and comedy! [video]

Save the date! September 10 is your day to show your support for better access to abortion! Your day to celebrate death! If you live in one…

The Abortion Dress (Yes There Is Such a Thing)

The Abortion Dress (Yes There Is Such a Thing)

Amidst the primaries, I’m looking at dresses. Not really. I am concerned about the state of chaos in our country with regard to this election. I am…

ShoutYourAbortion: How Refusing Saved My Life

ShoutYourAbortion: How Refusing Saved My Life

My fellow Victory Girl, Lisa, wrote earlier today about the #ShoutYourAbortion tag that is trending on Twitter, and I, too, can’t stay quiet in the face of…

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Ava Gardner