Hillary Clinton Does A Big Do-Over, Gives Big Speech, Trashes the Rich

Hillary Clinton Does A Big Do-Over, Gives Big Speech, Trashes the Rich

It’s so sad when Grandma Hillary can’t remember how many times she has declared that she’s running for president. Shorter @HillaryClinton – "1st official launch was such…

Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee: The GOP Field Opens Up

Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee: The GOP Field Opens Up

The field of candidates for the Republican nomination has just doubled in size. Dr. Ben Carson made it official yesterday during an interview with ABC7 WJLA in…

Another Democrat Hat In the Ring: Bernie Sanders Will Run For President

The rumors were made official in an interview given to the Associated Press today – Bernie Sanders of Vermont, currently the only Independent in Congress, announced that…

2016 Begins: Ted Cruz is Running For President

Ted Cruz just kick-started the 2016 presidential race with a single tweet and video. I'm running for President and I hope to earn your support! pic.twitter.com/0UTqaIoytP —…

Hillary Clinton: Using Private Email System Was Convenient

Hillary Clinton has had quite the time of it in the last 10 days. For someone who wants to be President, she’s certainly going about it in…

#MinimumWage Raise: A Costly “Gift”

Yesterday morning 20 states across the US raised the minimum wage. The raises are from a combination of laws or automatic wage adjustments. Niraj Choksi of the Washington…

Attacked by Taliban Two Years Ago: Nobel Peace Prize Today

“They thought that the bullets would silence us. But they failed,” she said. “And then, out of that silence came thousands of voices. … Weakness, fear and…

Terror Chatter Up, Obama Strategy is Fundraising

This morning we awoke to the news that the chatter across the internet from Islamic terrorist organizations has significantly increased. What does this mean? Could be a…

Steven Joel Sotloff: 2nd American Journalist Threatened with Beheading by ISIS…unless Obama Acts

Steven Sotloff, a 31 year old nationally recognized freelance journalist whose stories appeared in Foreign Policy, Christian Science Monitor, and TIME magazine describes himself on his Twitter…

Hillary Fatigue: America is Changing the Channel

Some of us live, breathe, eat and sleep current affairs, so when the news is saturated with something, for us it’s really saturated.  Lately it seems that…

Bush, Obama, Iraq, and The Blame Game

Like all of us, I have watched the television talking heads and have been reading the liberal blogging pundits, Facebook philosophers, and those brave Twitter hashtag warriors worry and…

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Ava Gardner