File this one under “inconvenient truths that the media has suddenly discovered.” New York needlessly, recklessly, and horrifically sent elderly people with COVID back into their nursing…
There is a vaccine dosage problem in the state of New York and it has nothing to do with reactions to the vaccine. Instead, the problem lies…
And the Emmy Award goes to…Andrew Cuomo for thousands of Covid nursing home deaths. No folks, this isn’t the Babylon Bee nor The Onion.
We absolutely cannot keep this country closed. In tonight’s debate between President Trump and Grifter Joe Biden, President Trump clearly stated that keeping our country closed will…
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York (D-Grandma Killer) would be a joke if what he had done wasn’t so demonstrably evil.
There is little debate that nursing homes have been the hardest hit by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Texas nursing home, The Resort, generated all manner of concern-troll headlines and scare-mongering articles almost a month ago by treating its patients with the hydroxychloroquine cocktail. Good…
The full extent of the economic impact on local communities regarding the school, business and event shut downs won’t be known for some time. However, small businesses…
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