Yoda To SecDef Lloyd Austin – There Is No Try

Yoda To SecDef Lloyd Austin – There Is No Try

On the ABC program “This Week” with substitute host Martha Raddatz, Lloyd Austin said that the United States would “try” to get everyone who wanted out of Afghanistan out. In my head, I heard Yoda say “Do or do not. There is no try.”

Bolton Talks With ABC About Book

Bolton Talks With ABC About Book

Former national security advisor John Bolton’s interview with ABC’s Martha Raddatz aired on Sunday evening, regarding his new book.

#GOPDebate with ABC/IJR Wrap Up

#GOPDebate with ABC/IJR Wrap Up

The final GOP debate before the “First in the Nation” New Hampshire primary aired on the ABC network and was sponsored by ABC News and the Independent…

Small World? VP Debate Moderator Hosted Barack Obama at Her Wedding

The vice presidential debate is tomorrow night, and moderating the debate is ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz. She’s clearly not unbiased, as she’s praised Obama before. But…

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Ava Gardner