Quote of the Day: Trump vs. Hitler

Voters with a modicum of common sense are very, very worried right now. Right now, we’re barreling on a high-speed train heading straight for disaster, and the…

Quote of the Day: Trump Supporters and Willful Ignorance

Quote of the Day: Trump Supporters and Willful Ignorance

For any voter, there is a certain amount of ignorance necessary to stand behind their candidate. Anyone who supports Hillary will force themselves to ignore her many…

5 Reasons Donald Trump May Want to Skip Thursday’s FOX Debate [VIDEOS]

5 Reasons Donald Trump May Want to Skip Thursday’s FOX Debate [VIDEOS]

Donald Trump reportedly announced yesterday that he’ll hold a press conference from Florida following this evening’s Super Tuesday returns. No doubt words like “loser,” “leightweight (sic),” and…

Trump: Getting Grilled in the Cuban Sandwich of Rubio and Cruz [videos]

Trump: Getting Grilled in the Cuban Sandwich of Rubio and Cruz [videos]

Over the weekend the “Cuban Sandwich,” comprised of Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, continued the tag team hits on Donald Trump in the waning days before…

Trump Now Questions Rubio’s Eligibility to Run for President [video]

Trump Now Questions Rubio’s Eligibility to Run for President [video]

First Donald Trump questioned Ted Cruz’s eligibility to run for President. Now he’s questioning whether Marco Rubio fits the definition of “natural born citizen,” allowing him to…

Is Trump Headed to the Nomination? It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Is Trump Headed to the Nomination? It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Donald Trump took South Carolina in its winner-take-all primary. It was his second primary win in a row, after New Hampshire, and the Drudge Report gleefully posted…

#MarcoRubio Takes South Carolina By Storm On The Eve Of Their Primary

#MarcoRubio Takes South Carolina By Storm On The Eve Of Their Primary

This week has been an exciting one in the Republican Presidential race. On Wednesday Rubio locked up the important endorsement of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley. He…

#GOPDebate: Schoolyard Brawl and Crazy Train

#GOPDebate: Schoolyard Brawl and Crazy Train

The most recent GOP Debate was held Saturday night in Greenville, South Carolina amid the shocking news of the death of Supreme Court Justice and defender of…

Victory Girls Vines: Hypocrites and Robots, Oh, My!

Victory Girls Vines: Hypocrites and Robots, Oh, My!

Clinton supporters have reportedly shown up around Marco Rubio venues in robot costumes, mocking the senator for what they call his “robotic” message. They may want to…

#GOPDebate with ABC/IJR Wrap Up

#GOPDebate with ABC/IJR Wrap Up

The final GOP debate before the “First in the Nation” New Hampshire primary aired on the ABC network and was sponsored by ABC News and the Independent…

The Media Snooze for First Hispanic Caucus Winner Cruz

The Media Snooze for First Hispanic Caucus Winner Cruz

Blogger Warner Todd Hudson, writing at Western Journalism, made this very interesting observation about last night’s Iowa caucus victory for Ted Cruz. He wrote: Ted Cruz’s caucus…

Iowa Polls One Last Time: Here Are the Winners

Iowa Polls One Last Time: Here Are the Winners

Results have been announced of the winners of the final poll conducted by the Des Moines Register prior to Monday’s caucuses in Iowa. They include Donald Trump…

Victory Girls Vines: #GOPDebate Greatest Hits

Victory Girls Vines: #GOPDebate Greatest Hits

Senator Ted Cruz started out with a bang, and an amazingly accurate imitation of the MIA Donald Trump: https://vine.co/v/i5iYH3Ehj7i Here’s Trump’s reaction: https://vine.co/v/i55PEHrmuLg Paging Clint Eastwood.

And the nominee for the Republican party is…

And the nominee for the Republican party is…

The release yesterday of National Review’s Against Trump special edition (blogged here by Victory Girls) has really stirred things up in conservative circles (Jonah Goldberg has a substantive response…

Marco Rubio Responds to an Atheist, and His Answer is Brilliant

Marco Rubio Responds to an Atheist, and His Answer is Brilliant

Today all eyes were on Iowa, focused on the spectacle of Sarah Palin endorsing Donald Trump for President, ending the rumors which began floating yesterday that she was…

GOP Debate: Fights, Nitpickery, and Whining! Oh My!

GOP Debate: Fights, Nitpickery, and Whining! Oh My!

Did you tune in to the debate last night? I’ve found that no matter how much we think the “next debate will be better,” it comes down…

Trump Releases First Ad as Cruz Super PACs Thump Rubio in Misleading Video [VIDEOS]

Trump Releases First Ad as Cruz Super PACs Thump Rubio in Misleading Video [VIDEOS]

It’s finally 2016, and the campaign season is in full swing. We’re less than a month away from the Iowa caucuses, and the presidential hopefuls are pulling…

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Ava Gardner