Remembering WW 2 Flying Ace Bill Overstreet and Weekend Links

Former WW 2 fighter pilot William “Bill” Overstreet Jr., famous for flying under the Eiffel Tower while chasing a German aircraft during World War II has died…

DNC’s Email Warns of Obama Impeachment and Weekend Links

Now this is very interesting… Apparently the Democratic National Committee (DNC) sent out an email Saturday evening that urged their faithful sheeple to “vote for Democrats” so…

Radicalized Gay Bigotry and Weekend Links

What more can really be said about the “tolerant” left’s intolerance of mainstream Christian beliefs? The firestorm over Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson’s homosexuality comments is just the…

Great Glock Commercial and Weekend Links

Glock. The Free Market and the Second Amendment in one user-friendly package! Of course not everyone sees it that way. The liberals in power work really hard…

Spy Satellite With Creepy Octopus “Nothing Is Beyond Our Reach” Logo and Weekend Links!

The Office of National Intelligence launched a new spy satellite, NROL-39, late Thursday from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The Office of the Director of National…

Jezebel Editor Tweets About Paul Walker’s Death; Wishes It Was Gov. Scott Walker Instead

Many folks were shocked and saddened to hear of “Fast and Furious” actor Paul Walker’s untimely death in a fiery car crash Saturday afternoon in California. Many,…

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford More Popular Than Obama and Weekend Links!

Maybe some find the mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, entertaining. He admits to smoking crack because he was drunk, he has a thing for hookers, and he…

Rush Limbaugh Destroys Oprah’s Racism Claims and Weekend Links!

So by now, most of us know that Oprah Winfrey feels Obama the Lessor is completely “disrespected” in this country due to… wait for it… RACISM! Oprah…

The Magnificent US Marines, Remembering Corporal Jason Dunham, and Weekend Links!

It’s well known that a Marine remains faithful to the mission at hand, to each other, to the Corps and to country, no matter what. Everyone likes…

Sarah Palin’s Bear, Piers Morgan, and Weekend Links!

Apparently, Sarah Palin doesn’t have any interest in going on the failed TV show of Piers Morgan, that gun-hating wanker on CNN. Who can blame her? But…

Moron Leftists Want Ted Cruz Charged With Sedition and Weekend Links!

I guess it’s not enough to vilify him. Or even make insanely graphic and violent threats against him – while posting his home address everywhere. Now, the…

Godspeed Nick Oresko and Weekend Links!

Nicholas Oresko, the nation’s oldest living Medal of Honor recipient at 96, has died. Nick was born on January 18, 1917 in Bayonne, New Jersey. He joined…

Rick Perry, the man who SHOULD be President, at CPAC STL 2013 and Weekend Links!

Rick Perry, the man who SHOULD be President, at CPAC STL 2013 and Weekend Links!

Yeah. Rick Perry rocked the house at CPAC STL 2013. Governor Rick Perry, CPAC St. Louis, 2013 Washington is definitely broken and has been for a very…

Her name was “Rovin’ Redhead”…

Today is our 1-year anniversary here at Victory Girls Blog and it hardly seems possible! One of the really fun things we’ve enjoyed over the last year,…

Captain Will Swenson, The MOH, and Weekend Links!

FINALLY, former Army Captain Will Swenson will receive the Medal of Honor on October 15, 2013 for his courageous actions in one of the most hard-fought battles…

Jeff Wagner’s Political Ad of “No More Strip Clubs” and Weekend Links!

Jeff Wagner’s Political Ad of “No More Strip Clubs” and Weekend Links!

Some people think Democrat Jeff Wagner’s campaign ad for Mayor of Minneapolis is funny and cool and clever… especially his promise to “not go to strip clubs”…

A Victory Girls 9/11 Collective:  We Remember, We Are Not Afraid

A Victory Girls 9/11 Collective: We Remember, We Are Not Afraid

Maybe some have been able to move away from that day, but I really haven’t. I remember everything. All the details about everything – even after twelve…

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Ava Gardner