Epstein Files Fails: Overpromising, Underdelivering, And Rickrolls

Epstein Files Fails: Overpromising, Underdelivering, And Rickrolls

There was great excitement all over certain segements of the internet when Attorney General Pam Bondi said on Wednesday evening that she would be releasing part of the Epstein files the next day.

Sex Trafficking Accusations Have Become Tribal

Sex Trafficking Accusations Have Become Tribal

People who have been following the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking saga are waiting to see just who is on the infamous list of 175 of Epstein’s associates….

Gutsy Part Four: THE Marriage Episode

Gutsy Part Four: THE Marriage Episode

We’ve suffered through, so far, four episodes of Gutsy starring Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. They flopped around in clown college, ate hate for brunch and took on…

Judge Who Ok’d Trump Raid Has Epstein Ties

Judge Who Ok’d Trump Raid Has Epstein Ties

Yes, you read that headline correctly. The magistrate, Judge Bruce Reinhart, had several Epstein employees as clients.

Victoria’s Secret Angels Hanging Up Their Wings

Victoria’s Secret Angels Hanging Up Their Wings

Say farewell to the Victoria’s Secret angels, those statuesque models who traversed runways wearing outlandish wings and frilly lingerie. They soon will be history, because the company…

Bill Gates Proves Money Can’t Buy Morals

Bill Gates Proves Money Can’t Buy Morals

Around the greater Puget Sound area, there is no richer name around than Bill Gates – and apparently, fewer bigger scumbags.

Harvey Weinstein Convicted On Two Of Five Counts

Harvey Weinstein Convicted On Two Of Five Counts

Harvey Weinstein, disgraced Hollywood overlord and catalyst for the #MeToo movement, was convicted of two of the five charges against him. The trial in a Manhattan court…

The View Goes Crazy With Donald Trump Jr.

The View Goes Crazy With Donald Trump Jr.

ABC’s show The View sort of exploded this morning. Donald Trump, Junior, and his girlfriend, former Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle, showed up to promote Don Jr.’s…

Media: Protect Trump Whistleblower! Same Media: Destroy ABC Epstein Whistleblower

Media: Protect Trump Whistleblower! Same Media: Destroy ABC Epstein Whistleblower

The media’s narrative is set. Protect the Trump whistleblower at all costs while working 24/7 to destroy the ABC Epstein whistleblower and bury the story once again.

Media Fails: Narrative Above Everything Else

Media Fails: Narrative Above Everything Else

There’s a reason that the media is seeing its poll numbers on trust sink like a rock in a pond. They continually prove, again and again, that…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Factotum” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Factotum” Edition

QUESTION—WHAT Do Metropolitan Corrections Center Warden Shirley Skipper-Scott who let Jeffrey Epstein die on her watch—And the nameless Rochester Airport TSA Worker who gave a traveler a…

Epstein Case: Sleeping Guards And Lawsuits

Epstein Case: Sleeping Guards And Lawsuits

If the authorities wanted to convince the public that there was no conspiracy in the death of Jeffrey Epstein, they’ve done a terrible job of it.

8 Questions About the FBI’s Raid of Epstein’s “Pedophile Island”

8 Questions About the FBI’s Raid of Epstein’s “Pedophile Island”

Days after his alleged suicide, news broke yesterday afternoon that “pedophile island” owner Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide method was via a bed sheet tied to a bunk bed….

With Epstein Dead, Will His Victims Get Justice? They Should

With Epstein Dead, Will His Victims Get Justice? They Should

Jeffrey Epstein’s death immediately raised questions as to what will happen next for all of his named and unnamed victims. Will they ever get any kind of…

Epstein Dead, Too Many Questions Remain

Epstein Dead, Too Many Questions Remain

Jeffrey Epstein is dead. That is pretty much the only “known known” we have right now.

Trump is Teaching Our Children All the Bad Things

Trump is Teaching Our Children All the Bad Things

Charles Blow, a New York Times columnist, laments that President Trump is a bad, bad influence on our kids. In a column entitled, “What Trump is Teaching…

Jeffrey Epstein and Trump Partied In 1992; Oh My!

Jeffrey Epstein and Trump Partied In 1992; Oh My!

The Washington Post has a new article on now President Donald Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein at Mar-a-Lago in 1992. The article, “Behind the scenes the night…

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Ava Gardner