Janet Yellen’s Magical Mushroom Diplomacy

Janet Yellen’s Magical Mushroom Diplomacy

Evidently Janet Yellen is a mushroom fan. Reports are now emerging that she happily dined on not one, but FOUR helpings of these magical mushrooms.

Janet Yellen, Human Dippy Bird, In China

Janet Yellen, Human Dippy Bird, In China

There is not one competent, sentient being in the entire Biden Administration. They have a prodigious ability to find the most inept, incompetent dunderheads in the contiguous…

Yellen to Follow Yellow Brick Road to China

Yellen to Follow Yellow Brick Road to China

Just when you think the Biden Administration can’t get any more bizarre, it proves you wrong. Not that long ago, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that the…

Banks Are Sound Says Yellen While Bank Execs Made Bank

Banks Are Sound Says Yellen While Bank Execs Made Bank

Janet Yellen is on record insisting that our banks are sound. Which would be fine and reassuring if we didn’t know that bank execs are and did…

Yellen: No Bailout For SVB Bank

Yellen: No Bailout For SVB Bank

No sooner had the news broken of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) bank failure, there were immediate comparisons to previous bank failures and calls to bail out…

Debt Ceiling Next Crisis To Engulf D.C.

Debt Ceiling Next Crisis To Engulf D.C.

The debt ceiling crisis is coming. The debt ceiling crisis is coming. On Friday, Janet Yellen warned that the Treasury Department, next week, will begin extraordinary measures…

Kamala Harris Dodges Student Debt Questions

Kamala Harris Dodges Student Debt Questions

Kamala Harris is apparently the Veruca Salt of student debt forgiveness – she doesn’t care how it gets done, she just wants it NOW. And don’t ask…

Tim Scott Blisters Janet Yellen Over Abortion Economy Remarks

Tim Scott Blisters Janet Yellen Over Abortion Economy Remarks

Janet Yellen stated yesterday that banning abortion would be bad for the economy.

Amazing Race to Save Democrat’s Not-So-Free Spendapalooza Bill

Amazing Race to Save Democrat’s Not-So-Free Spendapalooza Bill

I’m just so confused these days.  Every day, there’s some new way that I find up is down and down is up.  Inflation isn’t bad!  It’s a…

Don’t Like Taxes? You’re A Rotten Republican

Don’t Like Taxes? You’re A Rotten Republican

Evidently anyone who doesn’t like taxes is a rotten Republican. This is according to Binyamin Applebaum, an editor with the New York Times.

IRS Raises Snooping Threshold: It’s Still Snooping

IRS Raises Snooping Threshold: It’s Still Snooping

Tuesday Senate Democrats are set to raise the transactional amount they want banks to report to the IRS for snooping purposes. It’s now $10,000 annually instead of…

Janet Yellen Says $600 IRS Plan Isn’t Spying

Janet Yellen Says $600 IRS Plan Isn’t Spying

The IRS has a plan to catch tax cheats, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen thinks its a terrific idea! But do not call it spying.

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Ava Gardner