James Carville Wishcrafts A Trump Administrative Collapse

James Carville Wishcrafts A Trump Administrative Collapse

Some of us (points to self) had almost forgotten that the “Old Serpent Head” existed. In case you haven’t heard, Cajun Prognosticator James Carville, a hired gun for Democrats, is predicting the collapse of the Trump Administration. Can you say wishcrafting? Sure you can.

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

James Carville, 79, Curses Young Adults Who Won’t Vote HIS Way

James Carville, 79, Curses Young Adults Who Won’t Vote HIS Way

Cadaver Carville exhumed himself from his basement crypt to claw his way in front of a camera to shake his fist and drop f’bombs directed at young…

Carville: Democrats Have Too Many “Preachy Females”

Carville: Democrats Have Too Many “Preachy Females”

Well, he’s not wrong. James Carville has a lot to say about the state of the Democrat party these days. It’s too ‘woke’ and has too many…

Carville: Liz Cheney will be next House Speaker

Carville: Liz Cheney will be next House Speaker

Carville predicts Liz Cheney as new House Speaker. The Ragin’ Cajun Carville is up to his elbows in predictions once again. James Carville, the 78-year old who…

Liberal Tears Flow At MSNBC After Bernie Win

Liberal Tears Flow At MSNBC After Bernie Win

Who saw this coming? Far left MSNBC pundits shed liberal tears after Bernie Sanders took the Nevada caucus. This seems counter-intuitive, I know, but apparently Bernie was not…

Carville Sends Warning To Democrats

Carville Sends Warning To Democrats

The 90’s are calling the Democrats through the voice of James Carville, and saying “what are you guys DOING???”

Democrats Have Zero Direction And No Idea What To Do [VIDEO]

Democrats Have Zero Direction And No Idea What To Do [VIDEO]

The drumbeat from the Democrats has been steady for months now. Trump. Russia. Trump. Impeachment. Trump. Twitter. Trump. Trump. Trump. Thanks to a new poll, the Democrats…

Shocker: Spam Filter Service had Access to Clinton Classified Emails

Former Clinton staffer James Carville (aka “Serpenthead“) spilled some beans on Sunday’s broadcast of ABC’S This Week by claiming that Hillary Clinton set up a private email server…

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Ava Gardner