CNN Commentator Thanks Cuban Soldiers on Veterans Day

For an professor and supposedly intelligent man, Marc Lamont Hill sure didn’t do his homework. Or this was a horrible, terrible, gross trolling moment. You make the…

Women’s Issues! Hillary Joins Instagram, Can’t Decide What to Wear

Hillary Clinton, in her ongoing attempt to gain a corner on social media, joined Instagram today. And this was her very first post. Hillary is on Instagram!…

Sharpton Daughter Sues NYC For A Sprained Ankle, But Still Feels Good Enough to Hike

It seems that Dominique Sharpton, 29 year old daughter of the “Reverend” Al Sharpton, has learned how to make money from her father’s school of thought. She…

After #NYPD Murders, Is It Open Season on Police?

Despite the bland platitudes coming forth from Al Sharpton, Bill de Blasio, Eric Holder and Barack Obama, there is little doubt that police officers all over the…

Two #NYPD Cops Executed, Killer Commits Suicide

The details are just coming in, but what is clear is that two NYPD officers were gunned down in their police vehicle earlier today. The perpetrator then…

Did Anti-Gun Groups Really Score a Victory Over Facebook?

Our favorite anti-gun groups, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action, are both crowing about the new policies in place on Facebook regarding the potential sales…

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Ava Gardner