Trump Plans To Build Great Wall On Border Now, But Still Expects Mexico To Pay [VIDEOS]

Trump Plans To Build Great Wall On Border Now, But Still Expects Mexico To Pay [VIDEOS]

Did you know that there was a “Secure Fence Act” passed in 2006? It was a bill specifically dedicated towards securing our southern border and building a wall…

Immigration Officials Urged to Work Overtime, Because Hillary Must Win [VIDEO]

Immigration Officials Urged to Work Overtime, Because Hillary Must Win [VIDEO]

If you were suspecting all along that the Democratic Party sees immigrants not through the eyes of compassion, but of political interest, you may be right. Not…

The New York Times Versus Donald Trump

The New York Times Versus Donald Trump

Rush Limbaugh coined the term “drive-by media”. An editorial in the New York Times today by Charles M. Blow proves the truth of Mr. Limbaugh’s term. According…

Trump Visits Mexico, Nails Press Conference With Solid Message [VIDEO]

Trump Visits Mexico, Nails Press Conference With Solid Message [VIDEO]

If only Nixon could go to China, maybe Trump is the only one who could go to Mexico. Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto met…

Ann Coulter Uses Phrase “Standard Retard” To Defend Trump (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter Uses Phrase “Standard Retard” To Defend Trump (VIDEO)

Ann Coulter swore fealty to Donald Trump a long time ago. But her desperate and brittle defense of him has revealed her dark and ugly side. Coulter’s…

Hillary Clinton: The Pantsuited Wonder Woman Gets Her Crown [VIDEOS]

Hillary Clinton: The Pantsuited Wonder Woman Gets Her Crown [VIDEOS]

Last night was Hillary’s big night. Finally, FINALLY it was her turn! Last night was the night to tie all previous theme nights into a giant bow…er…

Syrian Refugee Murders Pregnant Woman With Machete In #Reutlingen, Germany [VIDEO]

Syrian Refugee Murders Pregnant Woman With Machete In #Reutlingen, Germany [VIDEO]

In as many days it seems that Germany has once again suffered a terrorist attack. Perpetrated by yet another refugee, this time from Syria, a pregnant woman…

Obama Lectures #SCOTUS And GOP On Immigration Ruling [VIDEO]

Obama Lectures #SCOTUS And GOP On Immigration Ruling [VIDEO]

One of Obama’s key legacy items hit a massive roadblock late this morning courtesy of a succinct one-sentence ruling by the United States Supreme Court. The judgment…

Obama: Four Things Using the Words “Radical Islam” Will Accomplish

Obama: Four Things Using the Words “Radical Islam” Will Accomplish

Shots fired, lives perished at the hands of a gunman in an “act of terror” (as he puts it) but Obama has yet to utter the words…

#OrlandoShooting: Hillary VS Someone We Think Is Trump [VIDEOS]

#OrlandoShooting: Hillary VS Someone We Think Is Trump [VIDEOS]

The presumptive Democrat and Republican nominees for President gave speeches today in response to the terror attack in Orlando, Florida. Hillary Clinton spoke in Cleveland, Ohio at…

#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

#BrusselsAttacks: Five Lies Liberals Honestly Believe

As we watched the news unfold in Brussels yesterday, we waited for our President’s reaction to the events and were met with all of 51 seconds of…

#DemDebate CNN’s Karen Tumulty’s Racist Trump Question

#DemDebate CNN’s Karen Tumulty’s Racist Trump Question

Just when you thought that the Republican debate brought to you by CNN and Telemundo was the most pathetic piece of pandering possible, CNN and Univision brought…

Do Women Destroy Nations/Civilizations? (Video)

Do Women Destroy Nations/Civilizations? (Video)

The Premise What a controversial subject for a women’s blogging team to take on, right? I am begging you to watch this video all the way through…

Chelsea Clinton Sounds Off: “Republican Hate Speech is Far More Troubling Than Attacks On My Parents”

Chelsea Clinton Sounds Off: “Republican Hate Speech is Far More Troubling Than Attacks On My Parents”

Cosmopolitan Magazine. In the clutter of articles about the hottest trick in bed to “leave him wanting more”, how the “ditzy ponytail” is THEEE new hairstyle of…

#GOPDebate: A Substantive And Interesting Night, Trump Who?

#GOPDebate: A Substantive And Interesting Night, Trump Who?

The very last GOP debate before the Iowa vote next week took place last night. Fox News moderated and the usual cast of candidates attended…except for a…

Obama’s 7th And Thankfully LAST #SOTU: Victory Girls Reax

Obama’s 7th And Thankfully LAST #SOTU: Victory Girls Reax

For a guy who started off his 7th and LAST State of the Union address with the admonition that it would be a short one … Once…

#SOTU: 5 Things Obama Should Say in Final State of the Union Address (But Won’t!)

#SOTU: 5 Things Obama Should Say in Final State of the Union Address (But Won’t!)

What Mr. Obama should say, and what Mr. Obama will say, during his final State of the Union address this evening could not be more diametrically opposed….

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Ava Gardner