The story is simultaneously horrifying and enraging. A 10-year-old boy was raped in a swimming pool cubicle in Vienna, Austria, by an Iraqi immigrant. The boy, sobbing…
As if it’s not bad enough that nearly 500 women were assaulted and robbed on New Years Eve in Cologne, Germany and Mayor Henriette Reker added insult…
The historic city of Cologne, Germany, erupted in chaos over the weekend as 1700 anti-Islamic refugee protestors clashed with about 1300 demonstrators who support resettling Muslim refugees in…
In a truly bizarre story a group of German feminists have decided that the stories circulating around the interwebs about Muslim rape gangs attacking large numbers of…
The mainstream media would have us believe that the migrants coming from all places Middle East are simply seeking refuge, and need our help. And to some…
In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, several countries are rethinking their open arms policy for refugees. Not so the United States. Our Duffer-In-Chief is…
No, it wasn’t an early Halloween prank. And it certainly wasn’t a case of ‘oops we misspoke.’ Instead truth is stranger than fiction. Christian Fabel, the mayor of a very small…
If you were a German, how would you feel if you saw This Guy walking the streets of your city? It happened recently in Germany. Actor Oliver…
The push for the U.S. to throw the doors wide open to refugees from Syria continues. In fact, we may be looking at more than the 10,000…
Last week, Victory Girl, Jenny, discussed the report that the Obama Administration has been whitewashing the continued growth, strength, and expansion of ISIS. And anyone who has…
Germany has finally determined that she is at the breaking point with the massive influx of war refugees, and has stopped all trains coming from Austria bearing…
10,000. No, not dollars. That is the number of immigrants President Obama is concerned with. Its the number of refugees we’ve been told will be coming to America…
This may be one of the most heartbreaking pictures to show up on news media: a little girl screams in pain as her hair is caught in…
You know, the current Ban All Things Confederate hysteria that is sweeping across the country has truly jumped the shark. A campy TV show called the Dukes of…
The Greeks have figured out the hard way in one week that you need cash to run an economy. Despite a big win for the left-wing Syriza…
The euro is in trouble, and this could get very ugly for the world economy. The ongoing financial crisis in Greece, which has lasted now for five…
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