Intel Community And Media Buried Covid Origin Info

Intel Community And Media Buried Covid Origin Info

The intel community KNEW what the origins of Covid were and buried that information. And, according to the Wall Street Journal, Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden were also kept in the dark about it.

Project Veritas Pfizer Sting Raises Questions

Project Veritas Pfizer Sting Raises Questions

Jordon Walker of Pfizer is not having a good day today. Project Veritas has him on video talking about a whole laundry list of things he says…

Lab Leak: What If That Theory Isn’t True Either?

Lab Leak: What If That Theory Isn’t True Either?

What if I were to tell you that the lab leak theory of Covid-19 wasn’t really true? And that it was just another ploy to control our…

Supposedly NIAID Unaware Boston University Was Creating New Covid Strain

Supposedly NIAID Unaware Boston University Was Creating New Covid Strain

Supposedly Boston University research didn’t notify the NIAID of their work on a new Covid strain. That strain is REALLY problematic.

Fauci The Puppy Killer, Explain Yourself

Fauci The Puppy Killer, Explain Yourself

Puppy Killer. That is what Fauci’s organization has been thoroughly involved in. Multiple labs around the world conducted animal experiments, CRUEL animal experiments with Fauci’s direct knowledge.

Fauci Lied, No One Should Be Surprised

Fauci Lied, No One Should Be Surprised

Brace yourself, everyone. Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress about “gain of function” research.

Rand Paul Refers Fauci To The DOJ

Rand Paul Refers Fauci To The DOJ

Yesterday’s fireworks between Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci got plenty of coverage.

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Ava Gardner