Climate Loons Desecrate U.S. Constitution In The Name Of Love

Climate Loons Desecrate U.S. Constitution In The Name Of Love

Desecrating and vandalizing works of art and our U.S. Constitution is done in the name of love according to the childish climate loons masquerading as activists.

Climate Change: 400 Private Jets Go Wheels-Up To COP27

Climate Change: 400 Private Jets Go Wheels-Up To COP27

According to world leaders and authorities, Climate Change is very real. If our “betters” do not meet to discuss this “very real” climate change, our world will…

Gutsy Part Five: Shinrin-Yoku And Ennuyé

Gutsy Part Five: Shinrin-Yoku And Ennuyé

Gutsy women are “Forces of Nature” say Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. Yes, we are still suffering through the insufferable.

Gina McCarthy, Deb Haaland And Gold King Mine

Gina McCarthy, Deb Haaland And Gold King Mine

Gina McCarthy and Deb Haaland are on Biden’s climate team. This should be interesting given both of their ties to the disastrous Gold King Mine spill of…

You May Be a Toxic Male If You Reject Sustainability

You May Be a Toxic Male If You Reject Sustainability

I rolled my eyes so hard at this I got a massive headache. According to a researcher at Utah State University, it’s the toxic male who may…

CA Ignored Oroville Dam Issues In Favor Of High-Speed Rail, Illegals, More Taxes [VIDEO]

CA Ignored Oroville Dam Issues In Favor Of High-Speed Rail, Illegals, More Taxes [VIDEO]

The Oroville Dam was constructed in the 1960’s and dedicated by then Governor Ronald Reagan in 1968. A time when the California legislature wasn’t prone political correctness,…

The Hypocrisy Of The Left’s Tantrums Regarding Trump’s Choice For EPA [VIDEO]

The Hypocrisy Of The Left’s Tantrums Regarding Trump’s Choice For EPA [VIDEO]

Not a day nor hour…heck not even a MINUTE goes by since election night without someone on the left throwing themselves on the floor in epic tantrums…

Divided, Angry Electorate Votes In Wake Of Obama Legacy [VIDEO]

Divided, Angry Electorate Votes In Wake Of Obama Legacy [VIDEO]

In 2008, Barack Obama stood in front of the country and promised quite a lot after campaigning on “hope and change.” “Care for the sick.” “Jobs for…

Hillary’s Potty Bus Dumps Pee, Poo, and Paper Down a Storm Drain [VIDEOS]

Hillary’s Potty Bus Dumps Pee, Poo, and Paper Down a Storm Drain [VIDEOS]

You’ve all heard of “Party Buses.” Hillary Clinton’s campaign has a “potty bus.” On Tuesday evening, in Gwinnett County, Georgia, someone on Hillary Clinton’s campaign bus decided…

Greenpeace Brain Trust Damages Sacred Nazca Hummingbird For “Publicity”

Greenpeace may be all about saving the environment, but they sure as hell like to wreck it while they do! Their latest foray into telling the world…

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Ava Gardner