It’s that very special time of year again! Welcome to Obamacare open enrollment season! Open enrollment is back: #GetReadyGetCovered — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 1,…
One of the best exchanges of the first part of this evening’s debate came when the CNBC moderators questioned the voting record of Senator Marco Rubio. After…
Here we go again! CNBC is hosting the third GOP debate. The “grown-up” debate is scheduled to begin in minutes. There is a YouTube “live feed” available….
In the sea of news coverage yesterday, I’ve scanned and scanned. It seems as if the American people have been flooded with a barrage of words from…
There is one less candidate seeking the Democratic nomination. Former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee (first R, then I, then D – a man of great consistency)…
In a Rose Garden press conference, with President Obama by his side, Vice President Joe Biden has announced that he will not be running for president. "Unfortunately,…
Seems as if Joe Biden is attempting to rewrite his own history. In a forum yesterday honoring former Vice President Walter Mondale, Biden casually mentioned that that…
It was pretty obvious at last week’s debate that former Virginia senator Jim Webb was a different kind of Democrat than everyone else on stage. Today, he…
As if you needed another reason to not see Steve Jobs in theaters. Actually, Seth Rogen said that Dr. Carson was “F*cking bonkers”. Because, hey-we have a…
After the Democrat debate last week, the window of opportunity for Joe Biden to jump into the race seems to be closing. If Hillary Clinton had blown…
Tonight brings the first rumble of the five Democrat presidential candidates. And no, there’ll be no “kiddie table” pre-debate debate because, well, the Democrat pool is small,…
The links between the worlds largest online search engine company, Google, and the Democratic party are stunning when you know where to look for them. The head…
Eminent domain gives our government the power to commandeer private property for public use, as long as the property owner is properly compensated. As an example, we…
It was a deeply sad moment when Vice President Joe Biden and his family lost his son, Beau – who was a husband and father himself –…
CBS News is reporting that Vice-President Joe Biden may be declaring his intent to seek the Democratic party’s nomination within the next week. Even if Biden decides…
Carly Fiorina Takes On The View
Carly Fiorina has had it with liberal women and their “double standards.” The women of the low-rated talk show “The View” decided to mock Carly Fiorina’s face…
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