Cruz and Scott use Cantwell and Sanders as Floor Mops in CNN Debate [VIDEO]

Cruz and Scott use Cantwell and Sanders as Floor Mops in CNN Debate [VIDEO]

After last night’s CNN debate between Ted Cruz, Tim Scott, Maria Cantwell, and Bernie Sanders, my husband turned to me and said, “Well, unless you’re completely in…

I Was Born and Grew Up in Poverty too, and Betsy Rader Doesn’t Speak for Me

I Was Born and Grew Up in Poverty too, and Betsy Rader Doesn’t Speak for Me

What is it with people who claim the moral high ground because they ostensibly grew up poor? They seem to believe that a tough childhood entitles them…

What Are We Paying For?

What Are We Paying For?

Whenever a major disaster of any nature affects any portion of the population, the inevitable topic of price gouging comes up. Basic rules of economics do apply….

U.S. Mayors Dig In Their Heels After Trump Abandons #ParisAgreement [VIDEO]

U.S. Mayors Dig In Their Heels After Trump Abandons #ParisAgreement [VIDEO]

The State of Fear that is emanating from the climate change alarmists right now is one for the books. I don’t think any Las Vegas bookie could’ve…

Fear the Clinton Economic Plan

Fear the Clinton Economic Plan

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more…

Trump Still Loves Debt, Won’t Worry About Defaulting Because We Print Money

The most economics work that I do these days is balancing my household accounts, paying my bills on time, and making sure that we carry no debt…

The Minimum Wage Fight, and the Seattle Experiment

On Wednesday, Senate Republicans blocked a measure to begin debate on raising the federal minimum wage from the current $7.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour.  Democrats…

99% “Environmentalists” watch fossil fuel protest on the Columbia from yachts

I live in Portland, OR so I should (technically) be used to environmentalists who are hypocrites. How are they hypocritical you ask? Well, let’s see many of…

“Fiscal Cliff” 101:  What is the Fiscal Cliff and What’s Going to Happen?

“Fiscal Cliff” 101: What is the Fiscal Cliff and What’s Going to Happen?

In the 1991 movie “Thelma and Louise”, things didn’t end all that well for them. You’ll remember that they drove off a cliff in a desperate effort…

hopechangery in action: phantom districts ‘created and saved’ by stimulus money

apparently the only tangible thing ‘saved or created’ by obama’s feckless $787 billion stimulus porkulus package is phantom districts in all 50 states with many millions of…

obamanomics:  the spending pandemic

obamanomics: the spending pandemic

swine pork flu. h/t michael ramirez _____ one of my cotillion sisters, em, and the sam adams alliance, worked really hard on this video called ‘health rations…

a fresh batch of obama polls

new polling data. nyt/cbs. wsj/nbc. just because. ‘nice guy but wow what a spender!’ yep. and now, we know what is really keeping him up at night.

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Ava Gardner