The Boston Tea Party Was About FREEDOM

The Boston Tea Party Was About FREEDOM

This 4th of July, it’s more important now than ever to remember our Founding and the reasons for it. One key event that helped spark our Revolution was the Boston Tea Party. Yes, it was about tea and taxes. But at its heart it was about FREEDOM.

UNC Professors: Teaching The Constitution Violates Our “Academic Freedom”

UNC Professors: Teaching The Constitution Violates Our “Academic Freedom”

Evidently a planned requirement to teach the Constitution is so triggering that 637 UNC (University of North Carolina) professors signed a letter in protest. Our “academic freedom”…

“Life” Not In Declaration of Independence – Kamala Harris

“Life” Not In Declaration of Independence – Kamala Harris

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these…

Dr. Joseph Warren Gave Us The American Revolution And Freedom

Dr. Joseph Warren Gave Us The American Revolution And Freedom

Dr. Joseph Warren was a key architect of our American Revolution. If it wasn’t for his wise and reasoned words, this Republic would potentially not be here…

Dinesh D’Souza’s America: Is It Also Yours?

Many of us are coming off of two weeks of exhaustive reading of legal opinions as the Supreme Court closed out its 2013-14 term. In learning how…

Remembering Those Who Pledged Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor on this Independence Day

We often remember the first lines of the Declaration of Independence. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the…

John Adams: “Independence Forever!”

“Independence forever!” is the toast that John Adams, our second president, gave on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Coincidentally and maybe fittingly, that was…

Celebrating 234 years of liberty and freedom: Happy Birthday, America

234 years ago today, our great nation declared independence. A group of men signed a document declaring independence from tyranny, a document that changed the world forever,…

too late to apologize: a declaration (video)

too late to apologize: a declaration (video)

this is really quite terrific… a parody of sorts of our founders and their decision to write the declaration of independence. here’s how the makers of this…

‘independence forever!’

‘independence forever!’ is the toast that john adams, our second president, gave on the 50th anniversary of the declaration of independence. coincidentally and maybe fittingly, that was…

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Ava Gardner