Supreme Court In 2022 Has A Lot On Its Plate

Supreme Court In 2022 Has A Lot On Its Plate

Now more than ever, considering the docket of cases that the Supreme Court of the United States is currently going to be ruling on in 2022, we need to be thankful for two people.

Ninth Circuit Court Chips Away at Second Amendment

Ninth Circuit Court Chips Away at Second Amendment

Coming on the heels of the shootings in Boulder and Atlanta, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has chipped away at the Second Amendment. In a ruling…

Salon Writer Says Our Guns Will Kill Us

Salon Writer Says Our Guns Will Kill Us

The Salon writer with the pretentious name “Lucian K. Truscott IV” is on his high horse again telling you that you don’t need that gun. He also claims…

No Amy Klobuchar, There Is No Such Thing As “Sensible Gun Control”

No Amy Klobuchar, There Is No Such Thing As “Sensible Gun Control”

Law enforcement hardly had a chance to respond to the shooting in Aurora, Illinois on Friday when the gun control idiots swarmed out from under their rocks…

Concealed Carry: Florida Did Not Do NIC Background Checks for a Year [video]

Concealed Carry: Florida Did Not Do NIC Background Checks for a Year [video]

Let’s add more laws so the government can ignore those too.

Opinion: School Gun Control Texas-Style

Opinion: School Gun Control Texas-Style

Before my first mug of coffee this morning, yet another in the long line of interviews with a Stoneman-Douglas student wanting stricter gun control laws greeted me….

Kids Come First: Columbine Survivor, Ohio Sheriff Work to End Gun Free Zones

Kids Come First: Columbine Survivor, Ohio Sheriff Work to End Gun Free Zones

He does this every year. But you won’t see the likes of Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, a survivor of the 1999 Columbine High School mass…

More Questions Than Answers After Philando Castile Dashcam Video Release And Cop’s Acquittal [VIDEO]

More Questions Than Answers After Philando Castile Dashcam Video Release And Cop’s Acquittal [VIDEO]

When both right and left are united in their shock and anger about a case, that means that there are some truths that need to be addressed….

Missouri Enacts Constitutional Carry, and the New York Times Pitches a Fit [VIDEO]

Missouri Enacts Constitutional Carry, and the New York Times Pitches a Fit [VIDEO]

The news didn’t make a big splash nationally. But when the editorial board of the New York Times found out that Missouri has joined with other states…

Guest Post:  Disarming them.

Guest Post: Disarming them.

Editor’s Note: This guest post is an Op-Ed submitted by Deborah Gentile (AKA Digi). She’s a fellow blogger, and friend of Victory Girls. Disarming them. Once upon…

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Against Concealed Carry

Though the Supreme Court is probably reluctant to take on another gun case at the moment, this case is headed that way. In a ruling that reverses…

“Toughest Sheriff in America” Joe Arpaio Calls on 250K Armed Arizonans to Fight Terrorism

“Toughest Sheriff in America” Joe Arpaio Calls on 250K Armed Arizonans to Fight Terrorism

Just a day ahead of what’s increasingly looking like yet another Islamic jihadist attack on our nation, the self described “Toughest Sheriff in America,” Sheriff Joe Arpaio…

Women Get Your Guns

Women Get Your Guns

President Obama proudly politicized his push for more gun control on the backs of the victims of the Umpqua shootings with his visit and statement there yesterday….

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Ava Gardner