White House Frets Over Protocol While Kerry Breaks It

This last week of United States diplomacy has been an exercise in hypocrisy and ignoring reality. First, the White House had a snit fit that Israel’s prime…

Obama: YouTube Selfies Over Foreign Policy

President Obama’s SOTU victory lap has some foreign policy hiccups. This week, House Speaker John Boehner extended an invitation to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address…

Secret Service was Never Asked to Prepare for Obama to Travel for the Paris March

The Obama administration has been taking a lot of heat for skipping out on the Paris March, while leaders from around the world walked arm in arm…

#JeSuisJuif: Netanyahu to Visit France

The weekend news in France has not calmed down much since the end of the hostage situations and the deaths of three terrorists. There was a bomb…

BREAKING: Terrorists Attack Synagogue in Jerusalem; Three Americans Dead

BREAKING: Terrorists Attack Synagogue in Jerusalem; Three Americans Dead

Four people have been killed and eight injured in a terrorist attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem. A British citizen is also among the victims. Two Palestinian…

Obama’s Lecture at the United Nations

This morning President Obama gave his annual speech, I mean lecture, to the United Nations General Assembly. The lecture covered a wide range of topics including climate change,…

Benjamin Netanyahu and The Bomb Picture (Video)

Benjamin Netanyahu and The Bomb Picture (Video)

It was epic really. Bibi is such a leader. Today in a speech to the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu effectively demonstrated using a…

Joy Behar, Idiot Extraordinaire: “Maybe he’d rather talk to me than Netanyahu. Ever think of that?”

Joy Behar, possibly one of the dumbest people on television, unsurprisingly offered up one of the dumbest defenses of Obama’s moronic decision to blow off Benjamin Netanyahu…

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Ava Gardner