Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

While I pour the bubbly here, let me share why this review of the weird and concerning is focused on California. Please don’t sigh, dears. Understand that California is the Democrat’s plan for the nation and you need to be aware that it is only getting worse here, to their delight. I’ve stopped here this Sunday morning, too, to share with you the news that the husband and I have quit California. Like about 500,000 of my fellow Californians over the last couple of years, we’ve decided that nice weather is just not enough of a substitute for being in the cross-hairs of a corrupt, one-party, neo-feudal state. Let’s get to it.


Gavin Newsom is NOT running for President …. riiiiiight

Victory Girls has covered Governor Hairgel for years. But the coiffured nincompoop has a groupie base who, if they can’t have Beto, yearns to submit to whip under a slick, Hollywood created character, regardless of his reckless policies.

Governor Gavin Newsom’s California, can be partially summed up this way:
*Water rationing
*grocery unions striking
*growing homeless population
*denied housing vouchers in Los Angeles
*reparations for descendants of slaves
*porn in K-12 curriculum
*COVID mandatory vaccine bills
*Single Payer health coverage
*public school teachers strikes
*energy shortage, rolling blackouts and
*Newsom’s COVID State of Emergency order from March 2020 until the end of February 2023 (only 4 weeks ago)
*Newsom’s Vaccine mandates for school children, days after opposing one for prison guards

There’s more, but this is a decent summary…

Pay attention, dears. Newsom is touring the country to slam “authoritarian” Republicans and has formed a new PAC to create a slush fund to interfer in states other than California.

But he’s not running for president. Pinky promise.


All your children belong us

It was only last October that Newscum signed a law that stripped a parent, anywhere in the nation, of custody if the kid showed up in the state for gender affirming care mutilation and sterilization. Not satisfied, Assembly critter Wendy Carrillo, Democrat and “labor activist”, has introduced bill AB665 that legalizes the state to seize any child 12 or older from their parents’ custody on the simple say-so of a therapist.

A California Democrat has proposed a bill that would allow a mental health professional to place a child as young as 12 in a residential shelter facility without parental knowledge or consent and without there being any prior allegations of incest or child abuse. (snip)

Many so-called gender-affirming therapists believe that non-affirming parents are a danger to their children, while at the same time holding the belief that experimental sex change interventions, such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, are “life-saving” care.

Bill AB665 would give such therapists the power to send a gender-confused child to a residential shelter facility.

Dr. Riitta Kaltiala, chief psychiatrist at Finland’s Tampere U gender clinic, recently said the transition-or-suicide narrative is “purposeful disinformation, the dissemination of which is irresponsible.”

One of the hallmarks of Marxism was/is its abject hostility towards any kind of traditional family. Marriage, monogamy, parent/child relationship — all of that is to be eliminated. The odious Transgender Ideology is just the latest iteration of neo-Marxism and it offers a way to empowers state-sanctioned kidnapping of children.

If this passes in California, how long before Biden’s handlers consider an executive order in the same vein?


Sweet, sweet Karma comes for Lorena

You remember Lorena Gonzalez? The wicked witch who fronted for AB5 and parlayed her toxic arrogance and nasty attitude into lucrative position with the AFL/CIO? Well, nothing like taking Ms. My.Excrement.Is.Never.Odorous. down a few pegs.

Days after his stunning announcement that he was ending his state Senate campaign to seek treatment for post-traumatic stress and alcohol abuse, San Diego County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher has been accused in a lawsuit of sexual harassment and sexual assault.

The civil litigation was filed late Tuesday by a former employee at the Metropolitan Transit System, the public agency that operates the San Diego trolley and bus network. Fletcher was chair of its board of directors from 2019 until he resigned Tuesday.

Grecia Figueroa accused Fletcher of stalking her social media profiles and initiating a flirtatious relationship that she worried could end her career because of his role as chair of her agency’s board.

She said Fletcher kissed her in an MTS conference room and groped her several times against her will. Her lawsuit includes several text-message exchanges to support her allegations.



Soros’ pet DA, Pamela Price suffers rebuke

California is rotten with radical, pro-criminal lawyers pushed into office with Soros’ $$$$. Quite refreshing when judges actually resist their outrageous shenanigans.

In a move that surprised many onlookers Thursday, a judge in Alameda County rejected a plea deal negotiated by the office of newly elected District Attorney Pamela Price.

Price, who won office in November on a platform of criminal justice reform and already faces mounting criticism over policies some deem soft on crime, was seeking a 15-year sentence for Delonzo Logwood, accused of killing three people in a murder-for-hire plot in 2007 when he was 18 years old.

15 years for the murder of three people. THREE PEOPLE.

Price’s office presented the plea deal to Alameda County Superior Court Judge Mark McCannon, who rejected it Thursday and ripped into Logwood from the bench. Bay Area News Group reporter Nate Gartrell noted, “This kind of thing almost never happens.”

“You can’t think an apology will make this all better,” McCannon said to Logwood, according to Bay Area News Group. “What are you sorry for if you didn’t do anything?”

If only there were more Judge McCannons. Maybe then the rejection of sweetheart plea deals for violent criminals wouldn’t be so unusual.

Today is Palm Sunday. Remember California’s victims in your prayers.


Your Sunday smile

Least you feel I’m exiting California in anger, let me say it is more in sorrow. I was born in Los Angeles and have spent my life in SoCal. The sun still shines bright on the San Bernardino Mountains, the sunsets are still spectacular from the beach in Laguna and my memories of growing up in middle-class suburbia where it was safe enough to play outside, unsupervised, until mom called us in for dinner are treasured. Somewhere along the way, as the coastal urban areas dominated the political class, the state lost its way. But all the wonderful memories abide and keep in me a flame of faith that the values and principles that made my growing up so wonderful will return. I don’t know how or when, but it will come.

Sunday morning cafe cocktails
1963 L-to-R, Dad, little sis, Mom, me


Next Sunday is Easter! Meet you after church. I’ll bring chocolate bunnies. Until then, Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    My dad was stationed in California a few times, we settled in Cupertino towards the end of his career, I graduated from SJSU and my folks chose to retire there. I miss what it used to be and despise what it’s become.

  • George V says:

    I’m another reader who has good memories of growing up partly in California. Family moved to the LA area near the Puente Hills in 1960, then up to the lower S.F. Bay area, just inland of the Santa Cruz mountains in 1965 for a couple of years. A wonderful place for a kid – good schools, places to go hiking or riding our bikes up in the hills, trips into the San Bernadino or Santa Cruz mountains or the desert in So. Cal.. No worries about sending your kid out to play for hours at a time. It’s a shame what has been done to a once great states.

  • GWB says:

    reparations for descendants of slaves
    No, it’s “reparations” for being black. If it were reparations for descendants of slaves I would qualify in a heartbeat, as would most people I know.

    create a slush fund to interfer in states other than California
    Which would be, I think, arguably un-constitutional.

    without parental knowledge or consent and without there being any prior allegations of incest or child abuse
    VERY un-constitutional.
    And honestly, anyone who does this shouldn’t even face a public tribunal, they should simply be dealt with as a child kidnapper and shot on sight or hung from the nearest lamppost. (I think you should start with the “public servant” proposing this, personally.)

    15 years for the murder of three people.
    Well, he was only 18yo. He was turning his life around. He had a bright future.
    Nah, F it. Put him on a high scaffold with a noose around his neck and give him a gentle push off.

    My wife speaks glowingly of CA, too. She grew up in Inglewood in the 70s, mostly. I’ve always been immune to its charms, however. Never have desired to live there, and never will. No matter how much TV threw shows based there at me.

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