Substance or celebrity: Which do you choose?

Substance or celebrity: Which do you choose?

Substance or celebrity: Which do you choose?

Yesterday saw a tale of two campaigns as both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris made appearances in Texas. Many Texans wondered if Hell had frozen over. It’s been a very long time since a presidential candidate has appeared in the Lone Star State this late into the campaign season. To have both there on the same day. . . Well, you can forgive Texans for waiting for the other shoe to drop.

To say the two appearances were textbook cases of opposites is putting it mildly. Trump visited Austin, in what KVUE, an ABC affiliate, billed as a “mini-rally”. For approximately an hour, Trump focused primarily on illegal immigration, a topic of great concern in border states like Texas. But this wasn’t your typical Trump rally. There was no open air gathering of thousasnds. Instead, this “mini-rally” took place inside a private hanger without all the bells and whistles.

Of course, it could be there were no more bells and whistles left in Texas, or just about anywhere else, because they’d been grabbed up by Harris and her campaign in preparation for her appearance in Houston last night.

Cue the spotlights. Bring in the celebs. This was Kamala’s party–and I do mean party–in Houston. You know the media isn’t taking it seriously when the opening of one reporter’s article is this:

Yes, it’s still 11 days until the election. We’re talking about Beyoncé, who is set to perform at the Kamala Harris rally today in Houston. And yes, we used the singer’s name before the presidential hopeful because that’s what we’re here for. All things Beyoncé.”

Okay, so the writer is one of the paper’s entertainment reporters. Still, to be at a political rally in a race as close as this one supposedly is and to admit you’re there only because Beyoncé is kind of explains why so few of us take the print media, or much of the MSM, seriously. What does it matter if Jessica Alba comes out to declare Kamala’s going to be the first female president? Does anyone really take Willie Nelson seriously enough to be swayed by his endorsement of Harris?

Have we become so jaded that we care more about what celeb backs a candidate than we are by what the candidate stands for?

Contrast that with Trump’s Austin appearance. Also present yesterday was Alexis Nungaray, mother of Jocelyn Nungaray. The twelve-year-old was murdered in Houston back in June. Charged with the crime are two men suspected of being members of Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan gang. The is the same Tren de Araguara that Gov. Greg Abbott has challenged Harris to label as a terrorist organization. To date, Harris has not done so.

Nungaray, showing more grace and control than many of us could given her situation, had this to say about what happened to her daughter and Harris’ response–or lack thereof. (Starts at approximately the 2:04 mark.)

Fast-forward to Friday night and Harris’ appearance in Houston.

She started her day with a press conference. Now, maybe it’s just me, but hearing her talking about how “we” are here to do this and “we” are here to do that makes me wonder if she really is using the “royal we”. Has no one told her we don’t have a monarchy here?

But it gets worse. She came to Texas because it is Ground Zero. Not for the problems with illegal immigration. Oh no, forget the problems that an influx of immigrants, documented or not, can cause to the infrastructure of a town or county or state. (Problems even the fair haired love child of the liberals, Justin Trudeau, recognized earlier this week.) She continued with her oh-so-reasonable condemnation of Trump and how he “demeans” the American people. See for yourself.

She is like a broken record, especially when it comes to some of her more incendiary comments about Trump and his supporters.

But at least she looked and acted like a politician running for office, for a few minutes at least. Maybe that was her quota for the day because the rally last night looked more like a gathering of celebs all wanting to pat themselves on the back and show how “right” they are and how we should all be following their lead. When Beyoncé or any of the other celebs appearing last night or telling the rest of us how we should vote have to worry about whether they’ll be able to stretch their pay check to cover their bills for the month, I might listen to them. When they have to deal with finding affordable child care or choosing how to educate their children when our public schools are little more than endoctrination camps, I might listen to them.

Come morning, don’t be surprised to see the MSM touting how much larger Harris’ turnout was. Watch the morning news shows and see her smiling and laughing with her celebrity friends as they tell us they know what is best for us and for the country. Then ask yourself this: were all those smiling and yelling supporters really there for Harris or were they there because Beyoncé was going to be there? I think you already know what I think.

Donald Trump might be crude, rude and socially unacceptable as my seventh grade English teacher would say, but at least he says something. He does seem to care for our military and for those like the Nungaray family. What does Harris stand for–other than her famous friends? Abortion? What else? With less than two weeks before the election, shouldn’t we know where she stands on the major issues facing our country?

At least you can say she gives one hell of a party, even if it is dressed up as a campaign stop.

Featured Image: Kamala Harris caricature by Donkeyhotey. Creative Commons license 2.0


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  • Lloyd says:

    I have no interest in what celebrities think or say. I rather hear what construction workers have to say during their lunch break…or teachers during a staff meeting…or those gathered at the end of the bar in a local gin mill after a day or work…..Anybody but celebs !!!

  • Scott says:

    A little disappointed by Willie (not super surprised, he is a stoner), but the rest, yeah, you can bet 90% of the people were there for Beyonce (why, I can’t imagine… a mediocre singer known primarily for shaking her overly large ass). That is the ONLY reason she was in such a big venue, and the main reason she had all the celebs there. It’s the only way she can draw a large crowd, and she knows that many sheep will follow the celebs because they’re not bright enough to do anything else..

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