Sheriff Israel on CNN: Blame The Shooter, Not Us [VIDEO]

Sheriff Israel on CNN: Blame The Shooter, Not Us [VIDEO]

Sheriff Israel on CNN: Blame The Shooter, Not Us [VIDEO]

CNN held its “town hall” regarding the Parkland School Shooting tonight. It wasn’t a respectful discussion, to say the least. When the conversation begins with “you’re a murderer,” there isn’t much left to say.

And yes, someone actually yelled “you’re a murderer” at Dana Loesch.

The event basically turned into a hate fest by the invited attendees against Loesch and Senator Marco Rubio.

Yes, that really was one of the more despicable moments of the show. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, whose office was contacted about the shooter over the last several years – for a grand total of 39 callsfirst tried to scold Dana Loesch.

But when pressed on why the shooter fell through the cracks, the sheriff changed his tune.


Can anyone say, “the sheriff is running for re-election and would like to not be sued for missing all the red flags?”

For crying out loud, CNN even gave the sheriff his own air time before the panel!

This was sickening. The sheriff knows where to point the finger so he and his department won’t be blamed.

Sheriff Israel failed his constituents by not aggressively following up on the red flags that the shooter kept throwing out, and he definitely failed with his agenda-driven finger-pointing tonight.

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    The Sheriff needs to be run out of town on a rail (I mean that in the literal, traditional sense).

    I hope he never sleeps again, because of the guilt he bears in this situation.

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