Scarborough: What Is Wrong With Elite Journalism Today

Scarborough: What Is Wrong With Elite Journalism Today

Scarborough: What Is Wrong With Elite Journalism Today

If the word “spineless” had a picture next to it in a dictionary, no doubt, we’d see Joe Scarborough and his smug mug. Or, we might see Mika Brzezinski…

Either way, MSNBC‘s Morning Joke lived up to its name with the dynamic duo’s most recent list to Mar A Lago. Still Scarborough “does not understand” why loyal viewers and Democrats might have been confused by his sudden change of heart. He saw this for the first time…

For the first time what a massive disconnect there was between social media and the real world.”-Joe Scarborough

That “massive disconnect”, Joe? Largely brought on by you and the Missus. But, moving right along, colleagues and those familiar with Mr. Scarborough’s sleazy dealings had a few things to say about the Morning Joe anchor:

He is the hollow man. There is nothing inside him except for a need for success and social status.

There is nothing he won’t do, say or bend. If he was a cartoon character – which he strongly resembles – he would be called Breaky Bendy.”-Anonyomous Morning Joe Guest

He gives opportunism a bad name, they say. Personally, I think they are being very kind and generous here. Did anyone else feel like taking a shower after hearing Joe and Mika paid a visit to Mar a Lago? Yuck.


Will Scarborough be returning to his “Republican” roots?

Twenty-five years ago, he spoke at the Princeton Club and came there as an elected office holder. The event was sponsored by Pfizer with free drinks and free hors d’oeuvres. I was shocked when he sold out at MSNBC. My guess is that there was no climbing the hierarchy as a Republican.”- Doug Dechert

Opportunist, as we have said, would be putting things mildly here. Likely, Scarborough has realized how much of the proverbial crap he has stepped in and is now trying to backpedal and kiss DJT’s ring with a trip to Mar a Lago. It may be a “fear of being canceled“? Morning Joe’s ratings are in the toilet. Funny that we mention ratings:

The numbers, obtained by Mediaite, show that after Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski broke the news shortly after 6 a.m., 38 percent of those in the 25-54 demographic had stopped watching by the next hour.”-William Vaillancourt, The Daily Beast

I call that karma. Joe Scarborough visited Mar a Lago to boost his dismal ratings and the little jaunt had the opposite impact. Neither he or his producers are good at their jobs and certainly, they are not adept at saving face-or whatever he and Mika were trying to do here. Scarborough and his echoing puppet of a spouse may say it’s “in the name of journalism integrity” or to show Donald Trump that “the press is not the enemy of the people”, but, really?

It’s not.

I think two words are worth going back to here: THEY LIED. For eight whole years, they lied. Now, suddenly, miraculously, they want to “do things right” and have an “open dialogue”?

I sincerely hope Melania did not bring out the tea and crumpets for them, either.

How many lies did Donald Trump tell, Joe? Now, Joe and Mika, the “bigger people” that they are, want to “reopen the lines of communication” as a “quest for better journalism” or something. It’s both comical and tragic simultaneously.

Joe Scarborough is the epitome of what is wrong with the talking heads of television. Joe and his cronies, for eight years, lied to people who sat in their homes. Joe Scarborough, and his wife, Mika Brzezinski, were content to collect a paycheck by lying, by instilling fear and perpetuating division and hatred. They drove the political and ideological divide. They came into homes and drove families and friends apart. And now, these two want the American people to believe they want to play nice?

First off, anyone who buys this is further along the path to non compos mentis than some of us once thought. This is the guy who called people who did not get at least four COVID booster vaccines “morons” and “freaks”. This is the same guy who called some of his fellow colleagues “useful idiots on the Kremlin payroll” for not pushing Russia, Russia, Russia back when Trump was 45. This is the same (white, privileged) dude who blamed black and Hispanic men’s racism and misogyny for Kamala Harris’ loss just a few short weeks ago.

Now, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski want to save face, save their jobs and dial back the crazy by making the pilgrimage to Mar a Lago? It have been a good move in theory, considering the ladies of The View are still pretty off their rockers.

The problem is, the nutso has already been unleashed. And, it went unchecked for years. Whatever olive branch the hosts of Morning Joe offer Donald Trump. Whatever “responsibility” they want to claim in “providing quality journalism”, we, the everyday “freaks and morons”, who did not line up to get our fourth COVID vax, will not forget the lunacy the likes of Joe Scarborough and his peer group of “elite journalists” drummed up over the years.

Makes us wonder…will Rachel Maddow visit Mar a Lago next?

To think, the man they supported called us “garbage”. We cannot forget the duplicity, the hypocrisy or the sheer cutthroat cunning of the media and the Beltway cocktail-party “journalists”. Nor should we forget what they did-ever. Because while the tides may have changed (or so they say), they will gleefully do this again.

Feature Photo Credit: Jesse Dittmar/REDUX

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  • Jeff A. says:

    Throne sniffers.

  • draigh says:

    “What Is Wrong With Elite Journalism Today?” Where should I begin? One, you gaslight and lie at every turn. Two, you don’t report the news. Next, you don’t think like most of the people in this country! Four, you are narcissists who think you are more important that the rest of us. And finally, your blatant thoughts of us as being stupid is a slap in the face. I could go on, but I think these five issues are enough for you to ruminate on.

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