San Francisco: The Butt Of All Jokes

San Francisco: The Butt Of All Jokes

San Francisco: The Butt Of All Jokes

San Francisco has pioneered a great deal of crazy over the past decade. First the Poop Maps, then the Killer Robots, then, the self-driving cars.

Like most left coast cities, the city of San Francisco has grown into a giant cesspool of liberal policy-fentayl-ridden and filled with crime.

Businessman and former San Francisco interim mayor, Mark Farrell spoke to The New York Times to discuss his upcoming mayoral race against current Mayor, London Breed.

I’ve watched San Francisco crumble over the last five years. Public safety has never been a bigger concern. The conditions of our streets have never been worse. Our local economy has collapsed. And we’ve become the butt of jokes across the country.”-Mark Farrell

True. But the City By The Bay is not the only one in this company. The Antifa Republic of Portland has become a parody unto itself and Seattle, The Emerald City, has also become a heaping pile of trash.

What does Ferrel plan to do if he unseats London Breed?

(Farrell proposes) a firm style of governance that would ‘massively’ increase police ranks, clear all homeless encampments, detain drug overdose victims who survive and return cars to the city’s main thoroughfare.”

Call me skeptical, but how “firm” will this “governance” be? Farrell IS a Democrat, after all.

In the first three months of 2023 alone, a record 200 human beings died from overdoses, as city leaders responsible for solving the problem are talking tough yet gutting the programs proven to actually save lives and treat addiction. “-Ellen Chaitin-SF Gate

Sure, San Francisco has become the “butt” of all jokes. We saw Draconian lockdowns in 2020, whilst Nancy Pelosi, San Francisco’s darling, snuck into a hair salon and Mayor London Breed went clubbing and dancing, maskless. Yeah, we know. She did nothing wrong.

More jokes? Back to Nancy Pelosi, standing in San Francisco’s Chinatown in 2020, telling Chinese tourists to come to San Francisco and, four years later, yelling at protestors to “go back to China”.

The butt of all jokes.

Among the first things Farrell will do if elected, his promise is to fire police chief, Bill Scott. He would also “spare the Police Department from budget cuts and work aggressively to add hundreds of officers to the department.”

Ramping up law enforcement in a crime-ridden city is a great idea…if you had a DA who would actually punish criminals. Sure, Farrell’s wife helped in the effort to recall Weather Underground Baby, Chesa Boudin, but current DA, Brooke Jenkins, is not faring better in regard to charging drug cases:

In 2021, Boudin’s office charged 73% of drug cases brought by police. Jenkins has a 68% filing rate so far in 2023.”-Jonah Owen Lamb, The San Francisco Standard

Farrell’s specific proposals include:

A zero-tolerance approach and policy for all crime in San Francisco

Clearing all city tent encampments within his first year of office

Shifting from a housing-first to a shelter-first approach to homelessness

Creating tax incentives for businesses that bring workers back downtown.”-Joe Eskenzai, Mission Local

I do not believe San Francisco can afford another four years under Mayor London Breed’s failed leadership.” -Mark Farrell

California can’t afford another four years under Gavin The Oil Slick Newsom, but here we are. The United States can’t afford another four years under Joe “I promise I’ll come by and answer questions later” Biden, but here we are. Filth, addiction, crime, homelessness and illegals in our cities. The butts of the jokes are not jokes anymore. They are a serious matter.

The jokes are all butts. And they’re not just in San Francisco.

Featured image via Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license

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  • Dietrich says:

    Things will not improve in blue cities until a Democrat cannot win an election.
    In other words, things will not improve in blue cities.

  • Cameron says:

    Shifting from a housing-first to a shelter-first approach to homelessness

    Given the extreme lack of affordable housing, I look forward to hearing how that’s going to work.

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