Reality Bites: Biden Finally Admits Border Is Not Secure

Reality Bites: Biden Finally Admits Border Is Not Secure

Reality Bites: Biden Finally Admits Border Is Not Secure

Reality Bites doesn’t it? Joe Biden, less than three weeks after insisting the border is secure, finally caved to reality and admitted what we already know. The border is NOT secure.

President Joe Biden said Friday he doesn’t believe the U.S.-Mexico border is secure, giving an unusually blunt assessment on the state of surging migration as he pushes a deal in Congress for “massive changes” to address border security.

“No, it’s not,” Biden said when asked by a reporter whether the border is secure after he gave remarks before a bipartisan group of mayors at the White House. “I haven’t believed that for the last 10 years, and I’ve said it for the last 10 years. Give me the money.”

Oh, so money is all that is needed to secure the border? I. Don’t. Think. So. 

What Biden and his handlers should do is immediately close the border and let our Border Patrol and ICE do their actual jobs. Given all the recent pushback, and that the internal polling regarding the border is fathoms deep into the toilet, is it any wonder that suddenly Joe Biden admits the border isn’t secure but he will do something about it?

“I believe we need significant policy changes at the border, including changes in our asylum system to ensure that we have the authorities we need to control the border. I’m ready to act,” the president said.

“Now the question is for the [House] Speaker [Mike Johnson] and the House Republicans: Are they ready to act as well?” Biden added.

“They have to choose whether they want to solve a problem or keep weaponizing the issue to score political points against the president. I’m ready to solve the problem. I really am,” he added. “Massive changes, and I mean it sincerely.”

Texas is already at work. Governor Abbott has sent out the National Guard to actually enforce the border since our Border Patrol isn’t allowed to. Which led to the media and politicians spinning yet another false story about illegals drowning in the river. Which was totally untrue as those three had already drowned before anyone notified the Guard or Border Patrol for that matter. 

But that hasn’t and won’t stop the Biden Administration nor the media from demonizing those who are trying to do their jobs and keep our border secure. 

Joe Biden says he’s gonna ACT and solve the problem. Oh REALLY? Then ICE needs to be allowed to do their jobs without having sanctuary city loons stand in their way, thus putting American citizens at risk. 

Oh, but THAT story is even worse. You see, even though the illegal was deemed INADMISSIBLE, some higher-up idiot told the Border Patrol to let him into our country. Then, even though he brutally raped a developmentally disabled woman, the city refused to let ICE take him into custody and be deported! 

So, if Joe Biden wants to ACT, then he needs to tell the sanctuary cities to go pound sand. ICE and Border Patrol need to be able to do their jobs and follow the laws currently on the books. It’s news like that above that have the polling on Biden’s immigration policies taking a steep dive. 

It doesn’t help that Mayorkas refused to testify at a Congressional hearing this week, and Josephine Dunn, whose son was killed after ingesting fentanyl, was having none of it. 

Yes, the polling must’ve been super shitty if Biden announces to Mayors from around the U.S. that, ‘HEY! I’ll still not call it a crisis, but yeah, that border isn’t secure Man!’ 

Even Democrats admit there’s a border problem and their numbers are in the toilet. 

“The only reason that we’re even entertaining these negotiations is because there are too many Democratic politicians who’ve seen the poll numbers, who see that we’re down 20 to 25 points on immigration,” Rep. Ro Khanna said Thursday morning outside the U.S Capitol while flanked by dozens of supporters toting signs reading “Save Asylum” and “No more racist border policies.”

“I’ll tell you why we’re down,” continued the California Democrat, who cruised to reelection in 2022 with 71% of the vote. “Because one side is talking about immigrants poisoning the blood of America and the other side is too quiet, too timid to defend the role of immigrants in America.”

Ro, let me tell you something. We are happy, even thrilled to talk about people coming here LEGALLY every minute, hour, and every damned day of the week! The Biden border sieve policy that has thrown the floodgates open to thousands coming here ILLEGALLY is the problem.

Then he needs to make sure the Border Patrol can refuse anyone with a criminal history, or that ICE can take into custody and immediately deport an illegal who BREAKS THE LAW. 

Oh wait, if, by acting, he means Kamala “Border Czar” Harris is finally going to step into her job? I doubt it. Then again, any illegal hearing her word salads and cackle might run screaming back to their home country to get away from her. Now there’s an idea!

Feature Photo Credit: Biden shades, via White House Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • Bucky says:

    Also this week Biden’s DOJ finally admitted in a court filing that Hunter’s laptop was indeed Hunter’s laptop. In the final year of Biden’s term have they suddenly decided that honesty is the best policy?

    • Cameron says:

      They probably realize that Sniffy is a big liability to the party so they are trying to quietly get him to leave.

  • Cameron says:

    coming here ILLEGALLY is the problem.

    The problem is that liberals do not see any difference between legal and illegal immigration. That’s why Rep. Khanna got away with his remarks.

    The solutions are simple.

    1. No more asylum seekers.
    2. All illegals are given the right to return to their country unimpeded. If they are caught, they go back.
    3. All funding for other nations goes to securing our border.
    4. All petitions for asylum are heard outside our country.

    But this requires a Congress that actually wants to do their job.

    • Scott says:

      I like the way you think sir!

      If you add in the fact that all illegals committing crimes like the scumbag mentioned above are deported via trebuchet, or HANO drop, I’m even more on board!

      • Cameron says:

        hm. I get where you’re coming from but I’m willing to be nicer on first time offenders.

        That being said, I read “The Attack” by Kurt Schlichter so my thoughts on this topic are a bit harsher than before.

        • Scott says:

          If it’s something like shoplifting, I could back off a bit, but if it’s a violent crime, I’m standing firm on those two options. We’ve already got enough low IQ predatory scum in this country, we don’t need to import more.

    • Liz says:

      You’re right it requires a Congress with a vested interest in the health and security of our nation.
      Which means (like term limits) it is highly unlikely to happen.
      Good solutions though.

  • Liz says:

    Learned last night they are going to remove all dogs from the police force in California.
    No more K9s…
    Guess why? They are racist of course! Been known to bite more dark skinned people than light skinned.
    Now that the crime is escalating in California and illegal masses storming in, this is the perfect time to remove the drug sniffing K9 units.
    We are doomed. But hey, at least fewer criminals will get bit while they are committing crimes.

  • Liz says:

    The situation is so dire, I’m in favor of curbing all immigration (with the exception of compelling/exigent circumstances) for a few years until we sort this out.
    My husband and I are first gen US citizens so no one has to explain to me how important/beneficial immigration can be.
    Right now though, that’s like explaining water is important after the levee broke and everyone’s drowning.

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