Rashida Tlaib Finally Censured By Bipartisan House Vote

Rashida Tlaib Finally Censured By Bipartisan House Vote

Rashida Tlaib Finally Censured By Bipartisan House Vote

Despite the loud (and I mean LOUD) protestations of her fellow Hamas Caucus groupies, Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan Hamas) was finally given the censure that she so richly deserved by the House of Representatives.

Remember that Rashida Tlaib had just escaped a censure, introduced by Marjorie Taylor Greene over her pro-Hamas rally on October 18th. You would think that Tlaib would restrain herself a little bit after the first censure vote, but nooooo. She just hates Israel and the Jews, and she just couldn’t stop herself from invoking “from the river to the sea” – and then claiming that this is an “aspirational call.”

That was more than enough to earn the attention of the House again. This time, the censure vote was headed up by Representative Rich McCormick of Georgia, and specifically cited Tlaib using “from the river to the sea” in her comments. Democrats really didn’t want to have to deal with this again, mostly because they knew that this time, Rashida Tlaib had crossed a line.

The resolution, sponsored by Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.), accused Tlaib of “promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.” It also references her use over the weekend of the controversial phrase “from the river to the sea,” which is considered by many to be antisemitic.

Democratic leadership earlier in the day urged members to vote for a motion to kill the censure resolution and the party largely stuck together, with only one Democrat voting to advance it.

Many defended Tlaib’s right to make the controversial comments, citing the First Amendment, despite disagreeing with her words.

Ah yes, Tlaib’s fellow Squaddies, also card-carrying Hamas caucus members, went to bat for their “mama bear.” Ilhan Omar had quite a rant to give.

Cori Bush (D-BLM) was even worse.

Rashida Tlaib spoke in her own defense as well. How dare we question her intersectional credentials and her very deep feelings.

Following the vote to advance the censure resolution, Tlaib delivered an emotional speech on the House floor and argued that her criticism of the Israeli government should not be conflated with antisemitism.

“It is important to separate people and governments. No government is beyond criticism. The idea that criticizing the government of Israel is antisemitic sets a very dangerous precedent, and it’s been used to silence diverse voices speaking up for human rights across our nation,” she said.

She grew emotional and had trouble speaking after she said, “I can’t believe I have to say this, but Palestinian people are not disposable.”

“We are human beings just like anyone else,” she said after a long pause, during which Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota stood up to comfort her and put her hands on Tlaib’s shoulder as the congresswoman braced herself against the podium.

Awwww, how cute, she’s wearing a keffiyeh like a fashionable scarf. She knows exactly what she is doing, what she is saying, and she has no intention of stopping. However, she will play the “woe is me, you’re so racist and mean to me” card all day long.

This went on all day long, but as Election Day was wrapping up and votes were being tallied, the House finally came to a vote. And the censure vote ended up being bipartisan, with 22 Democrats saying that they had had enough of Rashida Tlaib’s anti-Semitism.

But on the final vote, 22 of Tlaib’s colleagues opted to reprimand her.

“We are at an exceedingly perilous moment, when emotions and intentions are on a razor’s edge. I believe that Members of Congress should be free to express their opinions, no matter how distasteful they may be. I also believe they have a duty to express the values and priorities of their districts,” Rep. Brad Schneider (D-Ill.) said of his vote to censure Tlaib.

He added, “I recognize this censure resolution is not a perfect resolution in its language or form, but unfortunately it is the only vehicle available to formally rebuke the dangerous disinformation and aspersions that Rep. Tlaib continues to use and defend. I feel that I have no other recourse but to vote to censure her.”

While 22 Democrats voted for the censure, four Republicans voted against censure, and three Democrats and one Republican voted present.

This censure is beyond deserved, but I don’t think this is going to stop Rashida Tlaib. It certainly isn’t going to stop Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, or any other member of the Hamas Caucus (and Omar and Bush certainly deserve censure as well). Rashida Tlaib is going to keep being a vicious anti-Semite. She keeps telling us, over and over and over again, who she is. This time, 22 Democrats believed her. How many more times is she going to pull these racist slogans out of her mouth before the rest of the Democrat party believes her as well – or, at least, can no longer excuse her without looking like fools themselves?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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