Randi Weingarten Says Parents Who Want Choice Are Segregationists

Randi Weingarten Says Parents Who Want Choice Are Segregationists

Randi Weingarten Says Parents Who Want Choice Are Segregationists

According to Randi Weingarten, parents don’t and shouldn’t have any rights over their own children while the kids are in school. You see, parental rights and school choice is just the same as those segregationists who didn’t want integrated schools.

Yes, she went there. 

A top teachers union boss cited a far-left smear factory in demonizing the parental rights movement by comparing it to the “Uptown Klans” that opposed the end of racial segregation in the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education (1954).

“Those same words that you heard in terms of wanting segregation post-Brown v. Board, those same words you hear today,” Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, said in a podcast interview published Tuesday.

“I was kind of gobsmacked when I was talking to Southern Poverty Law Center, and they showed me the same words, ‘choice,’ ‘parental rights,’ and an attempt to divide parents versus teachers,” Weingarten added. “At that point, it was white parents versus other parents, but it’s the same kind of words.”

So, parents who want to know that their children are safe in schools, and aren’t being fed LGBTQXYZ trans-gender ideology, and have opinions about the age-appropriateness of books in the school libraries are racial segregationists now. All because of supposed statistics from the very liberal and always wrong Southern Poverty Law Center. 

Parents are now segregationists, according to Randi, because they want schools that actually TEACH their children instead of mandating Zoom classes, masks, and other Covid crap. 


Well, Senator Tim Scott caught wind of what Randi is claiming and will have NONE of it. 

“I’m so sick and tired of liberals – too many of them happen to be White – crying racism every single time they’re losing an argument,” Scott said. “I can’t think of anything more actually racist than trapping poor Black kids in the failing schools in these big blue cities dominated by a super-majority of radical progressives who are running the cities and destroying the schools.”

“They’re the ones, with their teachers unions, standing in the doorway of the schoolhouse, trapping poor kids in as if the house is on fire, but they won’t let a single soul out,” he went on. “It’s really frustrating, and it’s one of the reasons why I think we have no choice but to break the backs of these teachers’ unions. They’re the problem. They’re literally destroying the future of millions of kids.”

Scott is absolutely correct. As we’ve documented hundreds of times on this blog, and especially since 2020, the teachers unions have been THE LEADERS in the push to A. keep schools closed, B. hide evidence of massive learning loss because of the closures, C. hide evidence of children being harmed in schools, D. vilify parents for trying to stand up for their children, and E. pushing harmful ideologies into our children’s brains. Rules for THEE and not for me!

According to THEIR rules, it is totally fine if a union rep or boss sends their kids to private or charter schools, yet here is Randi claiming parents are racist segregationists for wanting good schools, for wanting CHOICES, and for wanting their children to be taught, not groomed. So, she took the SPLC’s parents/KKK talking points we discussed in June and is running with it. 

She’d rather vilify parents using bogus statistics from the Southern Poverty Law Center rather than be held accountable for her actions and even her reluctant acknowledgement that there was significant learning loss due to the asinine Covid shutdowns. 

In response, Weingarten admitted that the scores went down because of COVID and that she was wrong when she said there was no learning loss, but claimed that Los Angeles Unified School District, which stayed closed longer than any other school district in the country, fared better than schools in the state of Florida.

“All of us were wrong when we said, ‘Oh, no, there’s no learning loss,’ of course there was learning loss, of course there was a mental health crisis,” she said. “What COVID did, whether schools were reopened or not, because L.A. did better than Florida, what COVID did was it created a huge loneliness and dislocation.”

The bottom line is this, the teachers unions don’t want accountability. They don’t want to be held responsible for their actions. And Randi Weingarten is in the forefront of this push to vilify parents in hopes that they will shut up and stop making waves. Labeling parents as segregationists is just one of the many tactics she is using. 

Feature Photo: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • GWB says:

    showed me the same words … it’s the same kind of words
    OMG! Not WORDS!
    You know who else used words like “same”, “education”, and “books”? That’s right, we’re going Godwin!
    You know who else uses the word “choice” and “rights”? That’s right, YOUR UNION, when it’s backing abortion!

    So, parents … are racial segregationists now
    Remember that “racist” and “bigot” are just totem words for the Progressive. They are used to hold at bay the heathens who do not worship Science! and Reason! Just like making the sign of the horns to ward off the evil eye. Associating anyone with those terms indirectly is just an attempt to use those magic words without actually using the magic words.

    the very liberal and always wrong Southern Poverty Law Center.
    Oh no. They are NOT “liberal”. Not even in the most extreme form of that word. They are fundamentalist Progressive through and through. They are a militant arm of the Church of the Progressive Utopia, whose only objective is to pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

    we have no choice but to break the backs of these teachers’ unions
    No union is good under our current laws (allowing them to monopolize labor), but an union that “represents” actual employees of gov’t agencies? That’s just inordinately evil and stupid.

    They’re the problem.
    They’re only part of the problem. The other big part is the credential-issuing Big Education Industry. These are the folks who have pushed (yes, with the help of the unions) to require teachers to have education degrees, and to consider them highly trained and knowledgeable professionals, instead of, mostly, just people who can deal with kids. Along with unions, we have to remove that credentialing cabal.

    in the push to …
    Sheesh. You entirely forgot F. Failing to teach our kids the fundamentals – you know, why they’re even there. Ain’t no readin’, writin’, or ‘rithmetic going on in those schools, to some large degree. You might blame A-E for that, but it needs its own letter (F, for Failing).

    Why then send your child to a private school after speaking out so publicly against them?

    a union rep or boss sends their kids to private or charter schools
    You’re big on equity, right, Rancid Randi? Why shouldn’t all of those poor people get to go to the same school your kid does? C’mon, Randi, explain how equity works, again?

    What COVID did,
    **** you, you calumnous *****. Don’t blame Wuhan Flu for this. The disease did NOT do this! Nooooo. You did it! YOU did this to these kids – you and the State who thinks our kids belong to them! YOU did this to our children with your shutdowns. The disease was only an excuse for you to fear-monger and boost your members’ egos by making them part of the “laptop class” who could work from home! **** you, you lying, slanderous, self-righteous *****!
    My apologies, Nina, if you can read through the asterisks.

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