Randi Weingarten Is Shockingly Ignorant For An “Educator”

Randi Weingarten Is Shockingly Ignorant For An “Educator”

Randi Weingarten Is Shockingly Ignorant For An “Educator”

Another day ending in “y,” another day when Randi Weingarten proves that she’s an idiot who happens to be running one of the largest teachers’ unions in the country.

In case you missed it yesterday, and you might have because there were no riots or bloody handprints left at the White House gates (so the media only gave it a passing mention), there was a massive rally for Israel on the National Mall. The police estimated that the number must have been around 290,000 people in attendance, which made for a truly beautiful sight.

And members of both parties showed up to support the rally.

Before the rally, there was a large prayer gathering in front of the White House. Enter Randi Weingarten, who opened her mouth and removed all doubt about her intelligence level. Just check out her tweet, and the Community Note that got attatched to it.
Now, in theory, Randi Weingarten should know that Orthodox men and women pray separately. After all, Randi has reminded people in the past that she IS Jewish, and not only that, she is married to a rabbi. But, it must be acknowledged that Randi’s marriage ain’t exactly Orthodox. *cough*

There are two interpretations to Randi Weingarten’s comments. The first interpretation is that she is really THAT ignorant and dumb. Truthfully, that isn’t a reach. This is the same person, after all, who just got smacked around for tweeting about why homeschooling has been on the rise, and then tried to defend herself by complaining that the “reply-guys” were going after her – but she still had all the answers!
Here’s a clue for poor Randi Weingarten – homeschooling is on the rise because you and the teachers’ unions proved that it was never about educating kids, it was all about how much power and money the union could accrue in the worst of circumstances. Parents don’t trust you. And as for your cute little list here – I don’t see you demanding that Chicago get kids back in school and off the streets in regards to gun violence. I don’t see you demanding that school districts slap down the anti-Semitism that is on the rise, which is not just bullying, but a blatant violation of Title VI. And special needs students? Randi, I have three of those students, and there’s not a single thing I’ve heard you say that would improve their educational outcomes. You don’t have a plan for special education, you just want more money to throw around. So no, your list doesn’t address the betrayal that parents feel after the school shutdowns, and the pushing of social justice agendas and transgender ideology by teachers and school districts.

The second interpretation of Randi’s comment is that she’s just malicious. After all, she allegedly has a working knowledge of Judaism, and she could just be sniping at the Orthodox community because she wants to snark on the practice of having separate prayer sections for men and women. This is when we recall just HOW bitter and nasty Randi Weingarten has proven herself to be when it came to dealing with parents, calling them “segregationists” if they want school choice, and laying the seeds of “war” and “hatred” when parents pushed for their rights. It’s not a stretch that the same woman who wanted to mandate vaccines for teachers has issues with people who don’t pray in the way that she does – if she prays at all. After all, Randi’s only god is government, and the union is her church, and she is the head who issues edicts from on high.

Of course, the answer can always be “both.” Randi Weingarten could certainly be an ignorant twit on a power trip, someone who has been given a position of authority beyond her own intelligence. You make the call. After all, she’s been busy giving us lots of evidence over the last few years.

Featured image: Randi Weingarten in February 2020, photo by Keith Mellnick via Wikimedia Commons, cropped, CC BY 2.0

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  • Kirschman says:

    Randi Weingarten is a horrific excuse for a Jew as is her husband. She is a Neo Marxist who kowtows to the unions and oversees the indoctrination of our children instead of educating them
    A very evil despicable human being.

  • GWB says:

    Randi Weingarten Is Shockingly Ignorant For An “Educator”

    Where are the women?
    Why did I hear that in Sheriff Bart’s voice?

    New York’s “leading synagogue for LGBT Jews.”
    Or, rather, “New York’s leading synagogue for Molech worshipers and other foreign gods.”

    many of these parents wouldn’t feel compelled to homeschool
    But you can’t have those things because your religion (Progressivism) won’t allow it. So, people who want civilization instead of your utopia will continue fleeing the public schools.

    it was never about educating kids
    It’s been about proselytizing them into Progressivism for far too many decades.

    if she prays at all
    Bet she regularly prays to herself.

    someone who has been given a position of authority beyond her own intelligence
    Well, if she were given a position of, say, janitor, it would entail authority beyond her intelligence.

  • Scott says:

    “Randi Weingarten could certainly be an ignorant twit on a power trip,”

    I’m going to embrace the power of “and” here…

  • […] Business Transterrestrial Musings: Starship On Friday? also, Against Safetyism Victory Girls: Randi Weingarten Is Shockingly Ignorant For An “Educator” Volokh Conspiracy: Washington Court Refuses to Enforce Saudi Child Custody Decree Watts Up With […]

  • Cameron says:

    Anyone else having problems posting here?

    • GWB says:

      I haven’t gotten the errors in a while now. Not sure what drives them, but it isn’t merely a curly quote or naughty words. And it isn’t length – you’ve seen some of the fiskings/diatribes I’ve posted here.

      • Cameron says:

        I have no idea what’s going on. I was fisking her statement about “Look at the data” and I got a wordfence error.

  • Cameron says:

    Hm. OK, I’ll condense my points and see if I’m using an offensive word:

    Randi’s points about what is needed in public school will never be done and the private sector will always be more efficient.

  • Liz says:

    “if we dealt w/ gun violence, had robust anti-bullying programs & provided more services for special needs students, many of these parents wouldn’t feel compelled to homeschool.”

    This reminds me of the argument that military recruitment is down because the services aren’t accepting enough to transgenders.

    • Scott says:

      I agree, we do need to do something about gun violence… stop worrying about being “racist” and lock up the thugs that repeatedly violate gun laws.. it is a very small and distinct portion of the population that is responsible for the vast majority of gun violence in this country. Address that issue, and the situation gets better..

      Of course we’re also now seeing a rise in the “transgender” community becoming mass shooters..who could have guessed that encouraging mental illness could have negative effects…

    • Cameron says:

      OK, you posted that quote without a problem and I get blocked. I’m feeling singled out. -:-)

      Given the vast amount of money schools are given, they could solve those problems faster than Newsome cleaned up San Francisco.

      • Liz says:

        There are already vast amounts of money going toward solving those problems.
        The things listed are not the reason people are homeschooling their children.
        Most schools have zero tolerance for bullies (they will expel a student even for defending themselves this “zero tolerance” policy is that level ridiculous). They spend an enormous amount on special needs. And random, indiscriminate gun violence is extremely rare (yes, thug/gang related violence is not rare but that is not the reason, people who live in areas where thugs and gangs have taken over schools are in a different category altogether and have been for decades it is not a new phenomenon)

        Sorry you are having trouble quoting…I only copied and pasted, nothing fancy. I don’t know why you’re having the issue (I was having trouble posting a while back but it resolved, no idea why)

        • Cameron says:

          “I don’t know why you’re having the issue”

          It’s ’cause I’m white. -:-)

          My experience with the “zero tolerance” policies is that it’s only applied when kids protect themselves. Actually solving bullying is too much like work.

          • Liz says:

            “My experience with the “zero tolerance” policies is that it’s only applied when kids protect themselves”

            You are 100 percent right.

  • Cameron says:

    Friend of mine was attacked by a boy in her Junior year. He pinned her up against a wall and said “What are you gonna do about it, bitch?”

    She replied by raking his face with her wolf head ring. Principal suspended her for a week. When she pointed out that she was protecting herself she was told “This is to cover any other times you may have been in a fight.”

    She got home and explained the situation to her father. She was back in school the next day.

    • GWB says:

      She was back in school the next day.
      But the boy wasn’t suspended, I’m guessing.

      What I would like to read about that incident is: She was back in school the next day, with a written apology from the principal, the boy expelled and criminal charges filed, a workday on Saturday for all the teachers who might let this sort of thing happen, and the school board changing the policy and preparing to fire anyone who lets it happen again. Also, the offending student found in back of the gym, beaten bloody by friends of the girl.

      /sings/ Some people say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one…

      • Cameron says:

        As far as I know, the worst that happened to the boy was he got a visit in person by a police officer who pointed out that because he was eighteen, he’d be going to big boy jail for false imprisonment and assault. His car was also vandalized.

        Her father was a source of great terror when he put his mind to it. He was a good man.

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