Q & A: The Fred Body Snatchers

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Q & A: The Fred Body Snatchers

Anonymous said…
Cas, what happened to Hawk? Seems the Fred body snatchers got him.

Looking forward to your next piece on Hunter. It is crunch time.


I assume you’re referring to John Hawkins at Right Wing News. I know that he does still want Duncan to win, as do I. But, like me, I think he’s trying to be realistic, and realistically, I don’t see Duncan getting the nomination. What I am hoping for is that Duncan will get chosen as a VP, or perhaps taking a position in the administration, like Secretary of Defense (I think he’d be perfect for that job). I think we can expect to see Duncan get a position of authority in the next administration either way, and hopefully, his name recognition will be higher the next time around.

That said, I think John is looking for the next most conservative candidate, which is Fred Thompson. I’m with John there; if I can’t have Duncan, Fred will be who I support.

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