Protesters Rush The Field At Congressional Baseball Game

Protesters Rush The Field At Congressional Baseball Game

Protesters Rush The Field At Congressional Baseball Game

The left-wing Climate Defiance protesters are very proud of themselves today. They got ARRESTED! And they’re claiming that they were “brualized” when they were arrested!

Considering what these protesters did, they should be grateful that they weren’t shot the second they jumped over the railing. What were they doing? Where did the Climate Defiance fools decide to put on their show this time? The annual Congressional baseball game.

Now, these idiots were broadcasting loud and clear what they were going to do ahead of time, so no one should have been surprised.

They protested outside of the stadium, and then they moved inside the stadium. Once the group decided to jump on to the field, as the video shows, Capitol Police were in no mood to play around.

Police removed the eight disrupters from the game and the game resumed. However, authorities stood around the perimeter of the field to ensure the safety of the players.

According to Capitol Police, all eight people have been charged with federal offenses of interfering with a member of the Capitol Police.

There was also a second group of pro-Hamas protesters, but they stayed in the stands and were removed by security.

The Climate Defiance assholes are lucky that they were only thrown to the ground and arrested. Capitol Police would have been completely justified in using much more lethal force against them. As our readers will remember, it wasn’t so long ago that a Congressional baseball game practice became the target of a left-wing crazy person who deliberately went hunting for Republicans. It was only the vigilance and fast action from Capitol Police Special Agents David Bailey and Crystal Griner, who were assigned to then-Majority Whip (now Majority Leader) Steve Scalise’s security team, that ended up saving the lives of Scalise and the other Congressional members at the practice and neutralizing the shooter.

The media has completely buried the memory of the Congressional baseball practice that was shot up because it didn’t fit their narrative. A Bernie Sanders supporter shooting at Republicans, nearly killing the Majority Whip? Of course the media promptly forgot about it – but they’ll never stop remembering January 6th.

However, Capitol Police has not forgotten what happened at the baseball practice in 2017. So when a group of protesters is brazen and batshit crazy enough to jump the railings at the game, they have to assume the worst. Like any other protester or prankster who decides to run onto the field at a ball game, you take your life in your own hands at that moment, because the authorities have NO idea what your intentions are. The recent tasing of a guy running on the field during a Cincinnati Reds game proves the point. It doesn’t matter if you’re young, stupid, drunk, or protesting. You step onto the field, the police must assume the worst.

Naturally, Climate Defiance is making every effort to fundraise off their stunt, and are THRILLED that they are getting noticed. After all, negative attention is still attention, right?

Oh, bless their hearts. They got 104 words spread across three paragraphs in the Washington Post, who put this in the local news section for Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia. It’s not exactly a “full article,” kiddos. And since they are being roundly mocked for their claims of “brualization,” I’m going to say that “direct action” only made them look like the jackasses that they are.

Kudos to the Capitol Police for promptly shutting these shenanigans down, but if I may make a suggestion? Next time, take a cue from the Cincinnati police and tase all of these fools. Stupidity of this magnitude should be painful.

Featured image via Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license

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  • GWB says:

    they should be grateful that they weren’t shot
    Given they are attempting to get close to government personnel and what happened to Steve Scalise, my first option would have been to shoot them. As soon as they landed on the field, BLAM BLAM BLAM! Then start shooting them as they come over the fence, before they get the chance to get on the field. That would be the proper way to handle security.

    Capitol Police were in no mood to play around.
    Oh, please, Deanna! Not a single one even got a concussion from a baseball bat baton. These people deserve to be bludgeoned into a coma.

    all eight people have been charged with federal offenses of interfering with a member of the Capitol Police
    Not “assault on a member of Congress”? Not “terrorism”? Both of those would be valid charges. (“Assault” in many jurisdictions involves the threat of an unwanted touching. If any congresscritters were on the field or in the dugouts, that would be valid.) How about “insurrection”?

    Capitol Police would have been completely justified in using much more lethal force against them.
    And they should have. It’s the only way to stop this crap. Beatings or shooting them.

    are THRILLED that they are getting noticed
    That’s the only thing that prevents them from being treated as terrorists in my neighborhood – it’s not about doing anything but getting noticed.
    Of course, I’d still prefer their “notice” was an obituary.

    You want “direct action” around me, expect to get it, in full.

  • Que says:

    Well, FAFO, amirite?

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