Protesters Get Bail Funds Through Soros And ActBlue

Protesters Get Bail Funds Through Soros And ActBlue

Protesters Get Bail Funds Through Soros And ActBlue

It was hard to miss the coverage about all the protesters yesterday. The media had a field day covering widespread protests from New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Seattle.

And the protesters made sure they put on a show and made life as miserable as possible for everyone around them.

One place the protesters missed the mark, though, was Florida. The state of Governor DeSantis has had enough of these shenanigans, thank you very much.

Contrast that with the city of SeaTac (where the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport is actually located – it’s not in Seattle city limits at all), which did end up arresting people – it just took HOURS to do so, and to clear the road.

The expressway to the Seattle-Tacoma International (SEA) Airport was blocked by protesters for several hours. Subsequently, 46 people have been arrested and sent to SCORE for processing, according to spokesperson for the Port of Seattle Perry Cooper.

However, Cooper said, more people may be arrested as an investigation continues.

Cooper said the protesters used a common tactic.

“They actually put their arms through a PVC pipe and typically they are handcuffed inside the pipe,” he explained.

Cooper said the airport then brought out teams to remove the protesters.

Well, all those protesters are apparently in line to receive bail money thanks to George Soros’s Tides Foundation, raised through the ActBlue fundraising website used by the Democrats. Who is shocked by this news? Anyone?

The protests, which took place in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia, were organized by A15 Action, a newly formed group that worked to “coordinate a multi-city economic blockade on April 15 in solidarity with Palestine.” The group’s website directs users to a “bail and legal defense fund” hosted through ActBlue, the Democratic Party’s online fundraising juggernaut.

Those who donate to the fund, the ActBlue page says, are sending money to the Community Justice Exchange, which provides “money bail, court fees and fines” and other legal services to “community-based organizations … that contest the current operation and function of the criminal legal and immigration detention systems.” The exchange is a project of the Tides Center, a left-wing dark money network funded by Soros and other liberal billionaires.

The protesters, who organized the global event under the title A15, targeted economic “choke points” with the express purpose of causing as much financial disruption as possible, according to their website.

“On April 15th, people from over 30 cities around the world will take action to demand a free Palestine,” A15’s fundraising page reads. “Donate here to support community members who are criminalized in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine.”

“Should the actions of the state result in the need for it, these funds will be used for bail, legal defense, and support for defendants.”

The Tides Center houses a variety of left-wing groups, including the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. It funnels millions of dollars from wealthy donors to those groups.

The center acts as a “fiscal sponsor” to a number of liberal nonprofits, allowing the groups under its umbrella to avoid registering with the IRS. Some of those groups are known for their anti-Israel activism.

Honest question here. These protesters have been emboldened by the bail money that has been raised for them and the legal defense provided to them for years now through ActBlue. What happens when these anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protesters show up in Chicago again (they’ve already disrupted O’Hare Airport) during the Democrat National Convention and create absolute chaos? Let’s just say that everyone knows it is going to happen.

In the wake of Monday’s protests that shut down a portion of the Kennedy Expressway leading to O’Hare International Airport, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker faced questions regarding safety and security preparations for this summer’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

The protest prompted some to wonder about what safety measures would be taken at August’s Democratic National Convention. Pritzker, speaking to reporters, said he doesn’t think anyone would be surprised that protests are planned during the four-day convention.

“…I don’t think that anybody’s unfamiliar of the protests that have occurred because of the Israel-Hamas war,” the governor said. “But I do think that again, we have to make sure that at all times that people are able to get where they want to go while at the same time respecting the people who were protesting.”

Multiple demonstrations are expected, including those organized by the Coalition to March on the Democratic National Convention. In a news release on Friday, the coalition said it’s convening progressive forces from across the U.S. for the conference and will march and protest on Aug. 19, the first day of the DNC and on Aug. 22, the last day of the convention.

So, the bail money gets raised via ActBlue and distributed through the Community Justice Exchange, which is run by the Tides Foundation. The protesters are then bailed out and get their lawyers paid for. Then these same protesters are going to disrupt the Democrat National Convention in Chicago. Will ActBlue conveniently continue to raise money for the protesters when they sow chaos at the convention? Or will they raise money, but let those arrested sit out the rest of the convention in jail cells, and bail them out AFTER it’s over? This is assuming, of course, that Chicago will even bother arresting anyone during the convention. This seems like a very big gamble on the part of Democrats, who have enabled this insanity for years, thinking that it won’t come back to bite them squarely in the ass.

I’ll give the last word to possibly the last sane Democrat in the Senate, John Fetterman.

Fetterman continues to be the biggest political surprise of all, and he is absolutely right in this case. But it seems that Democrats are happy to keep playing with fire when it comes to these protests. Let’s see how that works out for them in August, in Chicago.

Featured image via Joe Piette on Flickr, cropped, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 DEED)

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