The details of what happened at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, are truly horrifying. A gunman walked into the church and killed at least 26 people.
What’s even more horrifying? The hot takes by the knee-jerk anti-gun left. The bodies hadn’t even left the scene when Chelsea Handler put in her bid for “horrible human being” status.
Innocent people go to church on Sunday to honor their God, and while doing so, get shot in killed. What country? America. Why? Republicans.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) November 5, 2017
Wil Wheaton, naturally, added his pathetic two cents.
The murdered victims were in a church. If prayers did anything, they'd still be alive, you worthless sack of shit.
— Wil 'stop enabling the Nazis' Wheaton (@wilw) November 5, 2017
After taking heat, Wheaton issued an apology.
Hey, real and actual people of faith: I hear you. I apologise for insulting you, in my rage at Paul Ryan's refusal to address gun violence.
— Wil 'stop enabling the Nazis' Wheaton (@wilw) November 5, 2017
Because I want to be sure sincere people of Faith see this: I spoke in anger, and I apologize to you.— Wil 'stop enabling the Nazis' Wheaton (@wilw) November 5, 2017
But it didn’t matter, because everyone else came piling on. A gun was used? Time to be political!
Enough is enough. Now is the time for commonsense gun violence prevention steps. Congressional complicity must end.
— Richard Blumenthal (@SenBlumenthal) November 5, 2017
The shooter turned his gun on people — kids — in a place of worship. America is in the grips of a gun violence crisis. Congress must act.
— Senator Dick Durbin (@SenatorDurbin) November 5, 2017
In addition to offering my prayers and thoughts I also believe Congress must take action on gun violence (2/2)
— Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) November 5, 2017
Senseless gun violence has torn apart another community — this time in a house of worship. When do we say enough is enough?
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 5, 2017
Never let a crisis go to waste, right?
The @NRA is soaked and bathed in blood. How do its adherents sleep at night?
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) November 5, 2017
She was just telling us how all Muslims shouldn’t be blamed for the terrorist attack in NYC.
— Chris Barron (@ChrisRBarron) November 5, 2017
And obtuse people who preen about being morally superior because they hate the NRA continue to preen.
I’ll just keep saying it: The NRA is a terrorist organization.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) November 5, 2017
I don’t understand this comment. What does it have to do with the blood on the hands of the NRA?
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) November 5, 2017
Of course you don’t.
— Chris Barron (@ChrisRBarron) November 5, 2017
Right. I don’t. So I’m asking you to explain it.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) November 5, 2017
Well the left said Islam isn’t to blame for Islamic terrorist attacks so confused how NRA responsible for today.
— Chris Barron (@ChrisRBarron) November 5, 2017
Because everything is political now.
NEW: @ChrisMurphyCT on Texas shooting: Lawmakers "need to think about whether the political support of the gun industry is worth the blood."
— ABC News (@ABC) November 5, 2017
OK, media, now's your chance to explain why this is hunky dory but Trump going off on immigration was awful
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) November 5, 2017
And let’s just reflect on one itty bitty teeny tiny FACT that just might be relevant in this whole “we must have MOAR GUN CONTROL NAO” monologue the left is having…
CBS News reports:
Suspect is fmr. US Air Force E1
He received a dishonorable discharge
He was court martialed in May 2014— David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) November 5, 2017
Sutherland Springs shooter was reportedly dishonorable discharge—meaning he could NOT legally own a gun. Keep screaming ‘NRA’, @TheDemocrats
— Harry Khachatrian (@Harry1T6) November 6, 2017
So, exactly which new gun control law do we need now? Because – SHOCKER – the shooter was a criminal who didn’t seem to mind breaking laws.
As the families of First Baptist Church try to grieve after this shattering criminal act, it would be prudent for the left to put the brakes on their rhetoric. But when has the left ever been prudent when there are bodies to stand on to try and reach a “moral” high ground?
It’s hard to take Ms Handler seriously when her main claim to fame is spending a lot of time drunk with her legs in the air. Yah she’s a real expert on stuff.
Prolly is an expert on alcohol, drugs, and STD’s… but not much else
Long ago lifetime NRA member and not an atheist like the mass murderer. Color me devoid of guilt.
America is in the grips of a
gunviolence crisis.
FIFY, dick.
Let’s see…
Convicted spouse/child abuser. (That alone disqualifies someone from owning firearms. Period.)
Bad-Conduct Discharge from USAF as a result.
Somehow, this law-breaking, anger-ridden, sorry excuse of a man/husband/father ILLEGALLY gets access to a weapon and ammunition.
Dem/Lib conclusion — BAN THE WEAPON!!! (*faint!* *gasp!* clutch pearls and hyperventilate until you soil your lace undies)
No mention made regarding the SHOOTER part of this twisted equation, WITHOUT WHICH the inanimate weapon will forever just sit there, locked and loaded, and never, ever harm anyone.
NEW FLASH — Violent-prone criminals are NOT apt to obey ANY laws that might hinder their executing (intentional use of term) the violent plans to which they are committed.
Cue the usual duh and drool from demented Dems.
God bless, guide, and protect us all and may He further give comfort and patience to the people of Sutherland Springs.
Fear mongering and finger pointing will not help us in our learning how to move forward.