Pennsylvania In Spotlight As Trump Files Suit And RCP Uncalls it

Pennsylvania In Spotlight As Trump Files Suit And RCP Uncalls it

Pennsylvania In Spotlight As Trump Files Suit And RCP Uncalls it

While we are being told to get on the Biden Commuter Express to Fascism, there are big doings that may impact whether that train leaves the station or gets cancelled. The legal team for Donald Trump has filed suit in Pennsylvania and the RCP has retracted the call for Pennsylvania for Joe Biden. Do not lose heart, my friends.

Let’s start with the RCP (Real Clear Politics) and their flip on calling the state of Pennsylvania for Joe Biden. That’s 20 big Electoral College votes deducted from Amtrak Joe. Biden is pulling an Obama and showing himself pictured with “Office of the President Elect” signs. As we said of Obama, there is no such thing as the “Office of the President Elect”. Plus, no states have certified their election results. Alaska (3), North Carolina (15) and Georgia (16) have not been called. Arizona (11) has been called for Biden, but there are less than 15,000 votes separating Biden and Trump. Nevada (6) has some sketchy tactics and that vote is very close too. They could turn easily. Automatic recount, baby. That could take Trump to 285 electoral votes. Cross your fingers, toes and eyes, and pray to the flying spaghetti monster.

The state of Pennsylvania does have a history of voter fraud. Indeed, as our Nina wrote, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered the state to segregate votes that came in late. The state has been very reluctant to follow the orders of a Supreme Court Justice. This happened because at the last minute the Governor of Pennsylvania asked the state Supreme Court to extend the voting time. Let’s go to certified, validated, for real Constitutional expert Ken Starr for the explanation of this un-Constitutional action:

If you can’t/don’t want to watch the video, here is the transcript from the conversation between Mark Levin and Judge Starr from Sunday:

MARK LEVIN: The state’s legislature determine how to select their elections. Is that what the [Constitution section] means?

KEN STARR: That’s exactly what it means. It got lost in the Pennsylvania shuffle. The founding generation sitting in Philadelphia undoubtedly thought, “Well, should we have the state Supreme Court make the determination?” No, we want … a very democratic with a small “d” approach. We want the legislatures, those closest to the people, the state legislatures, they’re the bosses, not the governor. And what happened in Pennsylvania over these recent weeks is a constitutional travesty. Governor Wolf tries to get his reforms, his vision, as he was entitled to do, through the legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. He failed. He then goes to the state Supreme Court, which by a divided vote, accepted the substance of what Governor Wolf was doing, and then added thereon nooks and crannies as well.

Don’t you just love the sober and reasoned thinking of Kenneth Starr. While everyone one else (I am looking at you Media Industrial Complex and Fox News Channel) is getting hotel reservations in D.C. for the Biden Inauguration (gag), Ken Starr is reminding us about the Constitution.

Jenna Ellis has tweeted the basics of the Pennsylvania lawsuit:

So, we have Ken Starr and Jenna Ellis, but we also have Sidney Powell, the wicked smart, bulldog lawyer for Michael Flynn. Miss Powell tweeted:

If Donald Trump lost reelection, then so be it. We already know that there was voter suppression by the pollsters, Media Industrial Complex, and Big Tech. Would it really be surprising to learn that some Democrat counties may have had their fingers on the scale for Biden? Nah. The Amtrak Joe Train may never get on track.

Featured Image: Doug Kerr/ Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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  • Aussie Supporter says:

    Hi Ladies, Michelle Malkin has come across than interesting point about the behavior of a Superpac called “Supermajority”. Supermajority was a female lead Pac funded by Mr Soros and other Leftist non-profits that was “Text Banking”.
    Whilst a bit complex, it seems this outreach has identified people that have lived in various States previously and bad actors have obtained their ballots for nefarious reasons.

    People have had votes cast without them knowing it, from States they previously lived in.

    Michelle Twitter has more details and she is asking if people can double check if they have “voted” without their knowledge in previous States they have lived in.
    If we are going to stop this fraud, we the people must spend time to expose this. And thus take away from the Democrats their most effective Vote Winner, Electoral Fraud.
    Please read Michelle Malkin’s Twitter Feed about how we can pass around to all friends and family how to check if you have “Voted” without knowing about it in a previous State.

    Keep the fight up please, the World needs to see the USA correct this fraud, and then lock the responsible up for a very very long time under Sedition laws.

    Love and regards.
    Aussie Supporter.

  • wolfwalker says:

    Can you please provide a link for the claim that AP has retracted its call of Pennsylvania for Biden?

    • Toni Williams says:

      Thank you. It was Real Clear Politics. Link added. Headline corrected.

      • Marc Bressler says:

        According to RCP’s Twitter, they never “uncalled” PA. They just never called it in the first place. Please, confirm this, as it undermines the credibility of this fine site.

      • Robin Thybony says:

        RCP never called the race for PA. This started going around, Tom Bevan (RCP) corrected yesterday morning.

  • PatriotGal2257 says:

    Tom Wolf has been on a power trip ever since the pandemic started and I always suspected that one reason why he was/is so restrictive with the statewide lockdowns is because Pennsylvania was declared for Trump in 2016. I’d love to see him be removed from office over this, but that would leave us with Lt. Gov. Roachclip John Fetterman, who is a bigger wannabe Commie than Wolf.

  • GWB says:

    Plus, no states have certified their election results.
    Isn’t that odd, in and of itself? Not a single one?

    may have had their fingers on the scale for Biden?
    Fingers?! They sat their entire huge ass on the scale, and brought along some friends, a few pallets of bricks, and a couple of caskets.
    (Hey! They’re the ones who have a donkey for their party symbol! It’s not my fault!)

  • Quentin-Q Quill says:

    What’s the status of Fox News with the Trump Administration? Is Fox News now considered part of the fake news media despite the presence of news host Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity?

    • Sadie McQueen says:

      Fox News has pretty much jumped the shark. Their news director (iirc) is Donna Brazile. They are solidly in the tank for Biden, with a very few exceptions

  • NoOneSpecial says:

    PA is definitely a mess, but your second sentence is factually incorrect as RCP never called PA for Biden.

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