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The New York Post has an article by Kyle Smith asking “This Fourth of July, why have we lost our patriotism?” The premise of this article makes an assumption that is untrue. We have not lost our patriotism on THIS Independence Day. The future of our patriotism is up to us.
Smith wrote:
For the haters, it’s open season on the American ideal.
Colin Kaepernick doesn’t like today’s American flag because it reminds him of police brutality and he doesn’t like Betsy Ross’ O.G. flag because it reminds him of slavery. I’m starting to think maybe Colin Kaepernick is not so fond of the flag, or of the country that made him rich.
Nike supported him by withdrawing the Betsy Ross-flagged sneaker. That’s right, the American flag, in any form, is now apparently a toxic symbol. The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, actually praised Nike.
It would be easy to despair for our patriotism when it is under attack like this. Who is attacking it, though? Victory Girls’ own Nina destroyed Nike and Kaepernick with her post on this. Read it here. Apparently, Colin Kaepernick got wind that the KKK and some group called Identity Evropa are using the Betsy Ross flag as a symbol of white nationalism. Nike rolled over for Kaepernick but, why should we give up our magnificent history for some sad losers who don’t know what the core of the United States is? No, baby, no. We are keeping Betsy Ross and her flag, and anyone who doesn’t like it can go whistle Yankee Doodle Dandy.
To further try to denigrate patriotism, the failing New York Times released this video:
America is just okay? Are you bloody freaking kidding me? Let us take a moment to remember that The New York Times has been rooting against our Republic for decades. The Times had a love affair with the Soviet Union.
Yes, a recent Gallup poll said only 45% of Americans are “extremely proud” of our country. Hello? Gallup has only been asking that question since 2001 when the USA was “extremely divided” by the Bush/Gore contretemps and the elites were telling us that G.W. Bush was an idiot.
America is not great because of our coastal elites or our president. As Kyle Smith says in his Post article regarding the Declaration of Independence:
America didn’t complete the project of freedom on that broiling day in Philly, but that’s like saying your kid’s first day of school is no big deal because your kids can’t do algebra yet. On July 4, 1776, we began setting up the greatest opportunity for human flourishing the world has ever known, and our example continues to be the world’s beacon. The United States of America isn’t perfect. We’re merely the best.
No, Kyle, we are not “merely” anything. We are the best because we are always becoming. No country in the universe works harder to right wrongs or respect individual rights.
Americans are patriotic because of our all-volunteer military. Those men and women who sign a blank check to protect our country. They love each other and have each others backs, regardless of race, color, creed or nation of origin.
Americans are patriotic because of those men and women who grow our food, build our homes and keep them in order, and those who work in laboratories looking for the next breakthrough in cancer research, heart disease or infection diseases.
All over America, grateful Americans will wave the Stars and Stripes while they participate in the neighborhood 5K or bike parade. Some of us will listen to late Ray Charles sing “America The Beautiful” and thank God that we were blessed enough to be born in this Country and at this time.
Our patriotism is just fine. Teach your children well. God bless the United States of America.
Photo credit for Feature Photo: Wellington/Pixabay License
82nd Airborne Photo courtesy of the 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Photo in Public Domain.
Well said! Thank you.
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