Panicked Democrats And The Empty Media

Panicked Democrats And The Empty Media

Panicked Democrats And The Empty Media

The Democrats have to be panicked by the news of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. deciding to end his independent candidacy run for the presidency and, at the same time, team up with Donald Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in his own words.

Wasn’t it something to see a Kennedy on stage with Donald Trump that other day?

That optic alone must have shot through the Democrats with such a force of powerful duress. But not to worry, enter the calvary of media spin that will, once again, tell us nothing about Kamala and only attack Donald Trump.

The Media Is Butthurt

What I just read at Salon is something you might find in the pages of a dime novel. Oh, wait. The White House correspondent for Playboy wrote the article, so now it makes sense. And yes, I know full well who Brian J. Karem is.

I’ll pull a small snippet from the long but sad theatrical exposition. Because the rest of the article says a lot of nothing.

The Democratic faithful left their convention Thursday night in Chicago enthusiastically energized and convinced of the righteousness of their cause. Former President Barack Obama told them the number one priority was to defeat Donald Trump. Vice President Kamala Harris told them that Trump and his cult-like followers in government, “are simply out of their minds.” Both lines got standing ovations. – Salon

Yes, Bri, that’s right. Kamala is just an empty shell for the Democrats. They installed her with a purpose. But you, the media, won’t expose that purpose because either you are 1. stupid and naive or 2. covering for them. The Democrats put on one heck of a show, that’s for sure, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

And therefore, the media will attack Trump because they have nothing else to pull from. The Democrats keep slicking you down with triviality.

Little pathetic articles like this from Salon are a small sampling of what the media is pimping out as hype to mislead the people.

Instead of discussing policy and what a Kamala Harris administration might look like, they’ve turned to sensational headlines that resemble something out of Hollywood. The Democrats don’t want to give us the goods because they are detrimental to America.

At least JD Vance gives it to us straight.

But we don’t have anything substantial from Kamala’s campaign. We are all left to simply speculate. And the liberal media is drunk on the spin from the Democratic strategists who must have watched the movie Wag the Dog one too many times.

The Democrats’ top priority is to defeat Trump. Is that all they can say? That is their platform: defeat Trump. They have to use that tactic because they don’t want to come straight out with telling the people about destroying America with their socialistic plans.

Not all is lost in the media. The New York Times tells us that Kamala is the new Obama. And by that, I mean the campaigns are similar because they saturate the people with nothing but puffery tidings.

Like Obama, the Democrats’ current nominee has been maddeningly elusive about what she would do as president.

Yet she is nonetheless riding a wave of enthusiasm that could carry her to the White House.

As they did with Obama, big media outlets are helping to promote her candidacy rather than vetting her for voters.

Take recent top headlines in The New York Times: On Friday, beside a huge flattering photo of her, the newspaper declared: “Harris Making History While Putting Her Faith In the Art of the Possible.”

On Saturday, the same space said: “Harris Faces Challenge: Turning Joy Into Votes.”

A Washington Post opinion piece on Harris’ husband carried this headline — “Doug Emhoff: modern-day sex symbol.”

This isn’t journalism.

It’s boosterism, and it’s disgraceful.

New York Post

Victory Girl Nina also laid it out earlier today with Kamala’s fluffy joy campaign strategy.

Was it W.C. Fields who once said? If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

Here we are in 2024, and the quote couldn’t be more fitting. Stay vigilant, friends.

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