obama’s church-speak

obama’s church-speak

when necessary, The One can ‘talk church’ with the best of them! apparently obama took the opportunity yesterday while meeting with thousands of religious leaders across the country to slam critics of his feckless boondoggle, obamacare:

“Repeatedly invoking the Bible, President Obama yesterday told religious leaders that health-care critics are “bearing false witness” against his plan.

The fire-and-brimstone president declared holy war in a telephone call with thousands of religious leaders around the country as he sought to breathe life into his plan for a system overhaul.”

the messiah has spoken! he says that all his hopechangery reforms are part of carrying out one of God’s commandments:

“I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper,” Obama said.

He called health reform a “core ethical and moral obligation.”

hmmm. except if it’s his own brother, george obama, who lives an incredible life of poverty.

isn’t it a ‘moral obligation’ to pursue good public policy? as everything else fails around him, there is just something deceptive and really immoral about suddenly espousing christian-ese to mobilize support for his government-run health care plan. does obama think christians are so stupid that we fall for that? or if we don’t comply we are somehow less faithful? he’s incredibly desperate.

and just as an aside, you know in the bible, they didn’t think too highly of false prophets. if i were The One, i would watch out for lightening bolts and stuff.

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  • Jane says:

    Why shouldn’t President Obama ask for help from religious leaders? He is a man of faith.

  • Ken says:

    “Why shouldn’t President Obama ask for help from religious leaders? He is a man of faith.”

    Yet when Bush said such things we heard cries of “Religious zealot!!!” and “Christian arrogance!!!”.

    Honestly, how do you on the left not see your blaring hypocrisy?

    I love the fact that Obama is doing this, it shows how desperate he is!!!
    Keep going B.O.!

  • Jimmy says:

    The President is simply tapping into all constituency groups. He is a man of faith as Jane said. He is a believer and has extensive background in mobilizing the faith community for social concerns. He did that well in Chicago. You guys on the right look for any reason whatsoever to bash the President. It is wrong.

  • A_Reluctant_Pundit says:

    Hey peoples! :^D

    For those of you against healthcare reform, you ARE aware that Medicare is a government program right? The very same Medicare that your parents or grandparents and great grandparents have? Get real and quit bashing government run programs and mocking the president for trying to garner support among church people.

    SOMETHING has to be done because what we have in this country is not enough. We need to do better by our most vulnerable citizens.

  • Ken says:

    “You guys on the right look for any reason whatsoever to bash the President. It is wrong.”

    We learned it from the liberals over the last 8 years. Ain’t it grand?!

    Hey Pundit, you do realize that Obama is talking about REDUCING funds to an already floundering Medicare, right? Yet NOW you want the American people to believe that putting all health care into the hands of the government is the way to go?

    Do you people even watch the news?!?!?!

  • paula says:

    Are YOU aware that Medicare and Social Socurity are GOING BROKE How about a bill to save Medicare and Social Security, and leave the rest of us alone.

  • paula says:

    It figures that when George Bush was asked what political philosopher he most identified with, he said “Jesus Christ, because he changed my life”, the LEFT had to cry “Religious Zealot!”, but now, the One … gets a pass.

  • kate says:

    hey A

    you are aware that my family’s healthcare insurance is none of your business right? good.

  • Ken says:

    “you are aware that my family’s healthcare insurance is none of your business right? good.”

    Not if Obama has his way, Kate:


    “Democrats on a House committee are seeking detailed financial records from dozens of large insurance companies, officials disclosed Tuesday, part of an investigation into “executive compensation and other business practices” in an industry opposed to President Barack Obama’s plan to overhaul health care.”

    “The requests were made in letters signed by Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., who guided a portion of health care legislation through the House Energy and Commerce Committee last month as chairman, and Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., who heads the Energy and Commerce investigations and oversight subcommittee.”

    And so it continues. Little Hugo Obama marches on.

  • BikerDan says:

    “He called health reform a “core ethical and moral obligation.” ”

    Free abortions for everyone… it is our moral obligation!


  • Paul says:

    Free Abortions? you are drinking the right wing Kool Aid. Just more lies like the Death Panels.

  • paula says:

    Abortions are part of Obama’s “Healthcare” plan.

  • TomLeslie says:

    Being good stewards with our resources is a biblical concept Mr. President. Borrowing from our children and grandchildren is a moral issue, too. How about choosing programs based on what we have to spend, not what we can borrow? Someone needs to help you, Sir, with Budgeting 101.

  • PenniePan says:

    Oh geezzzzzzzzz.

    First it was the death panels for grandma. Now we go with the neocons’ abortion diatribe!!!

    Why don’t you hillbilly’s move into the 21st century where we have state of the art science, bioethics, and medicine? It is no longer necessary to dance with poisonous snakes in your churches or have witch doctors explain issues of life and death to you.

    You people all must be products of first cousin marriages.

  • kate says:


    it is people like you who would use taxpayer money to fund abortions on demand but leave babies who survived the abortion to die in a trash can in the back of the clinic somewhere.

    but i see, government-run health care is a moral issue — and very 21st century.

    you are sick people. really.

  • micky says:

    “He is a believer and has extensive background in mobilizing the faith community for social concerns. He did that well in Chicago.”

    Yeah, to the calls of “G*d damn America and “the roosters have come home to roost”
    Nice mobilization there huh ?

    “SOMETHING has to be done because what we have in this country is not enough. We need to do better by our most vulnerable citizens.”

    What would that something be ?
    The most vulnerable consist of only about 10% of the 47 million you keep using to pull our heartstrings. These idiots on the left are willing to turn the whole country upside down just for that ? Actually, no , there not just worried about the most vulnerable, I have a feeling most on the left who arent vulnerable at all cant wait to line up and start supplementing their lives with other peoples money.
    All you who say you care about all these people are full of it. You’re all drooling at the prospect of not having to actaully be responsible for your own costs in life.
    Gimme , gime , gimme.
    Gimme my mortgage, my car, my health insurance, and I dont want to have to pay a dime for any of it.

  • Jacquie says:

    This isn’t about “Messiah worship”. How naive of you. We want to bring REAL CHANGE to this country. This is our moment and it will not be derailed.

  • Ken says:

    “This is our moment and it will not be derailed.”

    Once again, according to the polls, you’re in the minority Jacquie. Why is it nobody here can tell us HOW its going to improve health care? Could it be because even the dems admit they HAVEN’T READ THE BILL?!?!?!?!

    Talk about naive!!!

  • micky says:

    Yes Jacquie, you and your messiah have already brought real change to this country. I hope you’re happy so far with the unemployment still tanking, no consumer confidence, stock markets dizzy,debt greater than ever before, deficits like never before, SS, medicaid, medicare all broke, rising taxes, foriegn policy in the crapper, N. Korea aiming missiles at us, Iran telling us to get screwed, suplementing terrorist organizations with millions, countries we trade with moving away from the dollar, transparency a joke, failing auto industries, the country is more divided than ever, racist judges being appointed, constitution being pi$$edon, and on, and on, and on…

    Nice “change ” baby

  • Ginnys_Mom says:

    Jacquie you sound positively eeeevil. They make meds for delusions of grandeur but you better get them now because, should you actually be right, you’ll never be able to get them with ObamaCare.

  • Fey says:

    “and just as an aside, you know in the bible, they didn’t think too highly of false prophets. if i were The One, i would watch out for lightening bolts and stuff.”

    Pull your head out of your ass. It’s only you on the right who have created this whole Messiah-Prophet-God persona. It did not come from President Obama. And did you know that is you use the *SHIFT* key, you can type using capital letters?

  • gene says:

    you alll want to put the president in a box because you don’t like him. it won’t work in the end. but go ahead and get giddy anyway. it will be fun to watch you get crushed.

  • micky says:

    Fey, typical, worrying about capitalization. Yup, that’l fix em, wont it ?
    Are you kidding Fey ? Its you guys who’ve elevated Obama to the “cant do anything wrong” status. Your party and himself have set the bar so high that the only thing that could accomplish so much would be some super natural entity
    I guess Obama decided it wasnt all that bad to cling to a bible after all.

    No Gene, he belongs in a box because hes the worst thing thats happened to this country since 911, or because everything hes done so far has turned into crap.

  • Marie says:

    I admit I don’t like Obama, and He does not walk the path of a christian. However I don’t think it really matters who the president is anymore. Our government has failed. I believe its too late for our government to simply bounce back up. And unemployment isn’t just going away. As our economy gets worse so will our government. The truth is people will always try to find a way to quickly solve their problems after years of causing them. Just like someone’s health. A lot of people think they can get away with doing what they want to their body, and yet they act surprised when the doctor tells them they are going to dye.

    America hasn’t taken care of it’s self. People are more worried about the present then the future. That is the problem with Americans. That is why there are so many unhealthy Americans, So many unemployed people, and it is also why our government and economy are failing.

    I hear Smokers and Drinkers say stuff all the time like, Everybody dies someday why should I care. You see people seem to care more about the present then their own future, the future of their children, or the future of the world.
    (I Personally believe smoking and drinking should be illegal. Smoking and drinking around children should be considered child abuse and child endangerment. Do you really want someone drunk handling your kids. second hand smoke causes health problems and kills.)

  • steve says:

    Hey “A_Reluctant_Pundit” My parents are on medicare. My mom gets denied treatment, therapy, specialized wheelchair because someone in washington is looking at the $$$numbers. Medicare, medicade, social security is almost bankrupt.
    Government enters…government destroys, ruins, bankrupts,corrupts. Do you homework.

    Hey “Paul” The death panels are not lies. They also were removed after they were exposed by Sarah Palin whom the left swears is stupid and worthless and trashes at the drop of a hat, but the left is terrified of her.(Go Sarah)
    The government has no business whatsoever in counseling a loved one on “end of life.” That is between the patient, her family, and her doctor. NOT YOU, NOT the GOVT, Not doctor “kill ’em “Emanuel.

    Marie, Obama is also a hypocrite. Talking down smoking, taxing the very poor who do smoke, while we the taxpayers buy his cigarettes for him that he STILL smokes in the closet.

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