Nikki Haley Will Vote For Donald Trump – Please Clap

Nikki Haley Will Vote For Donald Trump – Please Clap

Nikki Haley Will Vote For Donald Trump – Please Clap

Yesterday, Ambassador Nikki Haley, who suspended her own 2024 Presidential Campaign two months ago, gave a full-throated, ringing endorsement for Donald Trump. Well, not quite. Nikki very tepidly said she would vote for Donald Trump, quite different from an endorsement. She could have ended her statement with “Please clap” in a fashion reminiscent of Jeb Bush in 2016. She is the 2024 Jeb Bush.

Miss Nikki was giving her first speech since she dropped out of the 2024 Presidential Race and speaking at the Hudson Institute where she is the Walter P. Stern Chair. When asked who she thought would do a better job, Trump or Biden, Haley said:

It doesn’t quite read as pitiful and Jeb Bush-like as it looked. From the Washington Examiner:

Nikki Haley announced she “will be voting for” former President Donald Trump against President Joe Biden in their fall rematch.

The former U.N. ambassador’s comments end the longest Republican holdout while warning her former boss and rival not to take her supporters for granted.

She did not endorse Donald Trump. She tepidly said she would be “voting for” Trump. Not the same thing. Trump has open arms for everyone. How does Haley think he should “court” her supporters? Make her Veep? Bah. More:

“Biden has been a catastrophe,” Haley said at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., in her first public appearance since conceding the 2024 Republican presidential primary contest. “So, I will be voting for Trump.”

Haley stipulated that “Trump has not been perfect” on the policies that drive her voting preferences — border security, maintenance of strategic alliances, and the need for “a president who would support capitalism and freedom.”

“Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech: Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me, and continue to support me, and not assume that they’re just going to be with him,” she said. “And I genuinely hope he does that.”

Haley didn’t specify the form that such a gesture to her voters should take. Trump, in response to media reports that suggested she could emerge as his vice presidential running mate in the fall, posted on social media that “Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the V.P. slot, but I wish her well!”

The former president’s Truth Social post gave Haley the social media dismissal that she avoided during her two-year tenure as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations — a political accomplishment in an administration in which multiple other senior officials were fired by a presidential tweet. Yet the former South Carolina governor, who said in 2021 that she would not run for president if Trump sought a return to the White House, was the last of the GOP upstarts to abandon her effort to defeat him in the primaries.

Nikki Haley is like the chick who wears tennis togs out to see Serena Williams. She thinks if Serena gets hurt they are going to call this schmuck chick in the stands up to take her place. Nikki is a Jeb Bush type person. Remember?

Both Nikki and Jeb would do or say anything that focus-group tested well.

On the other hand, there is some speculation that Nikki and her brother were planning a convention coup. From 100% Fed-up:

Yesterday, we brought you a Breaking Report that Nikki Haley may be planning a coup against Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention.

You can read that here and I will also copy the full report below:

Today it appears that report is now confirmed, by none other than Haley’s own brother, Mitti Randhawa.

Keep in mind Nikki Haley’s real name is Nimarata Randhawa.

Let me explain what just happened.

So Nikki Haley’s brother, Mitti, posted this to Twitter:

Mr. Randhawa tweeted more on the same day:

Three days later, Nikki tepidly endorsed Trump. She really is Jeb Bush, please clap!

Featured Composite: DonkeyHotey/ Commons/DonkeyHotey/ Commons

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  • John Shepherd says:

    Disappointed are we that Haley isn’t going run as a third party candidate or replace Kamala as Biden’s running mate. She was never not going to endorse and vote for Trump. That something many alwaystrumpers would do if he picked her for VP.

    If you are not alwaystrump then you are never trump and support Biden even he picks you as his VP choice, eh Toni?

    • It would be a pleasant surprise to me if the convention suddenly picked a different candidate. But not Haley. Given the choice between an acknowledged Democrat-Socialist, and one garbed in Republican clothing – I’ll stay home to clean my weapons on Election Day.

      • John Shepherd says:

        There is very little daylight between Trump and Haley. We can do without RINOs like you. Go vote for Junior he is really your guy.

  • Que says:

    So we are to believe a report from a source called 100 Percent Fed-up — which quotes the loon Laura Loomer no less — that Nikki Haley and her brother are planning a convention coup.

    Oh, okay. Sounds legit. *eyeroll*

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