For the citizens of Paris, Friday the 13th truly lived up to its name. Today they are reeling from the horrific attacks that claimed 127 lives. No matter how some would like to spin it, the attackers were terrorists. France has shut its borders down. They’ve imposed the first curfew since 1944. They are sweeping the city in hopes of finding the rest of the attackers so-called friends
127 lives have been lost and 200 are injured; but as Toni wrote last night, the help shown by many was a beacon of comfort in the midst of tragedy…and yet for some special snowflakes here in the U.S. a far greater tragedy was supposedly taking place. **Warning – you will lose brain cells and you may have anger management issues after reading the following.
I kid you not. That was some of the reaction last night to the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris. Whiny little brats all offended and stuff because their great grand protesting experiment got usurped by a terrorist attack. Oh. The. Horror. Unfortunately it doesn’t stop there.
Oh my goodness gracious! Sweetpea, let me tell you, I truly don’t think there is anything to compare. I mean really – all your Mizzou pal protestors are still alive…in Paris there are 127 who…aren’t.
Unfortunately the coddled snowflake whining didn’t stop there.
Listen up buttercup. The whole KKK thing? Completely and utterly debunked. The dude in charge of that hoax, Payton Head, the Mizzou Student Body President guy? He made the whole thing up and dared the students to impeach him. Evidently you TOTALLY missed that memo. Unfortunately for all of us, it doesn’t stop there. Yes, I’m going to share, and no I’m not sorry. Ok – I kind of am … but not really.
“…we deserve it too”?? Oh my land. Dar & Donnie, you need a serious reality check! Between you and the rest of your pals.. let me tell you something. If the KKK was truly present and acted on any purported threats… it would be all over the news! Unfortunately for you cupcake, as I pointed out earlier – the KKK thing was a complete and utter hoax. I know, reality is just so darn difficult these days isn’t it? Evidently so, as it didn’t stop there.
Well bless your sad little heart Kyra! Let me explain something to you. I’ll even use simple words and pictures. You see, terrorists don’t wander around and protest. They don’t demand “safe spaces” and then get all stompy footed when it doesn’t happen. Instead terrorists actually plan and do their damnedest to kill us all dead. The citizens of Paris found that out last night in a horrific way. Restaurants, bars, and a concert hall were bombed. People were taken hostage by the terrorists. 127 people were killed and scores of others injured. The citizens of Paris really and truly are victims of a genuine terrorist attack.
People are injured, dying, or dead in Paris. Meanwhile poor widdle Mizzou protestors have the sads because the Paris terrorist attacks have stolen the spotlight away from them. Well suck it up kiddies.
For just ONE minute, please get out of your self-absorbed selfish bratty way and realize that you should be grateful to be alive. You should be grateful that you aren’t injured. You should be grateful and extremely thankful that no one you know was injured or killed by a terrorist last night. I know, its a lot to ask. But just try it…you might learn something.
If these were the types of “people” that died in Paris then I would not be in the least bit upset as it is Progressives like these that made the Paris atrocity possible in the first place by appeasing Mo’s murderous minions. Unfortunately, a lot of good, innocent people are dead because Koranist scum don’t care who they kill. The depth of my hatred for this rabble protesting NOTHING and whining that they are now bumped from the headlines because of a true outrage cannot adequately be expressed here without using a flood of profanity that would make even a hardened Marine blush.
I completely understand. It took me a while to write this because I kept yelling at the screen. Sadly, those were the least offensive tweets. There were others that were far worse in both tone and language.
Unfortunately I think these twits won’t ever understand the reality of what we face in this world…even if it smacks them upside their face.
This scum disgusts me even more than the terrorist filth that acted yesterday. These turds are supposedly educated and really should know better-instead we get narcissism on an epic scale from them.