Michigan House: Wrong Pronoun Usage A Felony

Michigan House: Wrong Pronoun Usage A Felony

Michigan House: Wrong Pronoun Usage A Felony

While our country has pretty much botched up the English language, the Michigan State House is making sure that the use of wrong pronouns is now a felony.

And by “wrong pronouns”, we actually mean, the correct pronouns based on a person’s biological makeup. Here’s more of this insanity from The Post Millennial:

HB 4474 is designed to replace Michigan’s Ethnic Intimidation Act and expand categories of protected classes to include “gender identity or expression” and “sexual orientation.” The bill passed in the Democrat-controlled chamber 59-50.”-Ari Hoffman, The Post Millennial

The bill, if signed into law by Democratic Governor Gretchen Botox Whitmer, aims to replace the current Ethnic Intimidation Act would impose penalties, including a possible five-year prison sentence or a fine of $10,000, for individuals who use derogatory language that causes others to feel “terrorized, frightened, or threatened.” You’ve guessed it. This language includes the intentional misuse of gender pronouns that individuals do not identify with.

The state of Michigan is now explicitly allowing the gender delusion issue to be used as a ‘protected class.’ This opens up numerous issues when it comes to the courts and the continued weaponization of the system against conservatives>” –Republican Representative Angela Rigas

The bill itself, which can be read here, was introduced by Michigan Representative, Noah Arbit. Al little about Noah: he “cut his teeth” working on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. He’s also served as a staffer on Gretchen Botox Whitmer’s 2018 campaign. He’s blue democrat, liberal, through-and-through. What’s his motivation?

As difficult as I had it, gay kids and trans kids now have an entire political party that is basically telling them that they don’t belong and that they don’t deserve to exist, and they should be ostracized and marginalized.”-Noah Arbit

No, not “ostracized” and “marginalized”, Mr. Arbit. They have been lied to. They have been sold the fantasy that they can “be anything they want to be” by their entertainment and educational systems. The “We’re going to College” motto in elementary schools is being slowly replaced with Pride parades. They, (the kids) have been given too many choices, where the harsh reality remains the same: there really is no choice. They have been coddled and their mental confusion, which is a direct result of a trend brought on by our government and entertainment industry, has become normalized and celebrated. They have also not been told “no” by their loving parents. So, nope, Noah. They are not “ostracized” and “marginalized” and they DO deserve to exist but they also DO deserve dignity and the truth.

Seems as though telling the truth now will get you slapped with a fine or thrown in jail and Michigan HR 4474 wants to make sure of this. Misgender someone who is defined as “gender fluid” because you are not sure which pronouns the person uses because the person isn’t even sure what pronoun they are on that particular day is, according to this, an act of violence against a marginalized member of a community.

What grinds my gears is this so-called rhetoric identifying the alphabet soup mob as a “marginalized” community. What “marginalized” community gets a whole MONTH of celebrations that actually overshadow the true marginalized citizens in our communities? These “marginalized citizens” get a whole month dedicated to their delusions. I best be careful, if I were in Michigan, “Gretch” may throw me in jail. Use the “wrong” pronoun, (that is actually the scientifically correct pronoun) and be $10 grand lighter in the old bank account? I mean, if we really wanted to stretch this, we can put the proverbial shoe on the other foot. I, personally, am too old school and cannot keep up with a person who changes their pronouns daily. So, if I “misgender” someone and they feel “threatened” by me, can I turn around and say I feel “discriminated against” because of ageism? I mean, I do forget things and perhaps, I did slip out with a “he” instead of a “they” because I am “a confused old woman”. It’s a stretch, I know. But in the case of Michigan HB 4474, I would still be the intimidating one.

‘Intimidate’ means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable individual to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened, and that actually causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.'”-James Gordon, The Daily Mail

All about the feels and not what is Constitutionally sound. Are we to believe a 6 foot 5, white, biological man who identifies as a nonbinary cat one day, a bullish lesbian the next and a pregnant black woman the following day is a reasonable individual? Apparently, they are the reasonable ones if you call this guy a guy. How dare you misgender this freakish man who wants to use your restroom and locker room, ladies. After all, where is your imagination?

Lack of imagination is a crime now, too, I guess.

Featured photo: Wikimedia commons; Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

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  • Cameron says:

    This is one of those moments where normal people need to get malicious. Disobey openly. Call a troon by their birth gender then dare the law to get involved. Or simply don’t interact with people who aren’t normal. Shun them and keep them out of your lives.

  • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    This obscenity was passed with the votes of three GOP state reps: Graham Filler, Mark Tisdel, and Thomas Kuhn. They all need to be primaried next time out.

    However, I note that passage in the Michigan senate is not yet complete. Perhaps cooler heads might yet prevail?

    And I can’t wait to see the Michigan ACLU weighing in (snort, snort, guffaw).

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