Memorial for Covid in Biden Inauguration Plans

Memorial for Covid in Biden Inauguration Plans

Memorial for Covid in Biden Inauguration Plans

Does Team Biden love to wallow in doom or gloom or what? Yes they do, because Joe Biden’s Inaugural Committee just announced that Covid memorial ceremonies will occur the evening of January 19, the day before Biden’s inauguration.

Be prepared for more masks — it’s gonna be a long four years ahead with this crew.

First, there will be a lighting ceremony in around the Reflecting Pool in Washington, DC. In addition, the committee would like cities and towns across America to light up their buildings. Church bells should also ring, they said.

Committee spokesman Pili Tobar said in a statement:

“In the midst of a pandemic — when so many Americans are grieving the loss of family, friends, and neighbors — it is important that we honor those who have died, reflect on what has been one of the more challenging periods in the nation’s history, and renew our commitment to coming together to end the pandemic and rebuild our nation.”

This wouldn’t be the first time for a Covid memorial in DC, however. In November — right before the election, conveniently — an artist created an installation called “In America How Could This Happen” at the DC Armory Parade Ground. The installation held over 230,000 white flags (the symbol of surrender, right?) for each Covid death.

Guess who was there to publicize that memorial. Yep, Nancy Pelosi.

Because, let’s be honest here, these “memorials” are less about mourning human loss and more about creating political kabuki to insult Donald Trump. As NBC News sarcastically reported:

“The memorial will offer a stark contrast to President Donald Trump’s leadership during the pandemic.”

Hold on, didn’t President Trump initiate Operation Warp Speed, which set a goal to produce and deliver 300 million Covid vaccines starting in January, 2021? Why, yes, yes he did. But now that’s not even good enough. The New York Times is complaining that distribution is taking longer than expected, although the holidays have contributed to delays. (Interestingly,  South Dakota leads the states, with over 48 percent of their doses already provided, thanks to Republican Gov. Kristi Noem.)

Never mind the vaccines a-comin’ though, Joe Biden’s cheery Christmas message told Americans that things are gonna get worse.

“Our darkest days in the battle against COVID are ahead of us, not behind us.”

Liberal obsession with Covid doom-and-gloom stems from Democrats’ deep desire to control us. As Townhall writer Kurt Schlichter wrote:

“Have you noticed that Establishment seems to love this pandemic? And why not? They get to boss the proles around and it sure doesn’t interfere with their pampered lives. They’re doing fine working from their penthouses. They’re still noshing at the French Laundry while the rest of us – at least in the unfree blue states – are trying to survive their idiotic lockdowns.”

Indeed, Joe Biden has already called for a national mask mandate, even though legally it would be an uphill battle. But New York State has gone one better than Biden — its legislature is considering a bill for “removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases that are potentially dangerous to the public health,” as our Nina warned.

So now, Team Biden has arranged for a national memorial for those who died of Covid — in case you had forgotten.

No, we haven’t forgotten. Nor do we Americans scorn their deaths, except for those garbage liberals who mocked the recent loss of Congressman-elect Luke Letlow. Tell me again about “coming together.”

But Covid deaths shouldn’t be honored with a national memorial. We’ve endured a lot worse from disease, as with the 1918 flu epidemic. There is no national memorial for that.

Nor should we lower flags on government buildings in memory of those who died. For example, IL Gov. J.B. Pritzker instituted that in his state in April, and it’s still continuing — I saw such flags when I recently drove through Illinois. Even President Trump caved over Memorial Day at the insistence of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

I thought our memorials were to honor American courage. I thought lowering the flag was to note the passing of a prominent leader.

To be blunt, merely succumbing to Covid does not make one a national hero.

Over Christmas I visited family in Arlington, VA. During my stay there, I visited the World War II Memorial on the Mall in Washington, DC. Among its fixtures is a wall featuring bronze stars on a blue background. Each star represents 100 Americans who died serving their nation, for a total of over 405,000 souls lost.

WWII Memorial

Personal photo.

Those men richly deserved those stars.

Now in the wake of Covid, memorials have become cheapened. They no longer hold a sense of solemn honor for those who served the country. However, the Inaugural Committee’s memorial for Covid victims is a precursor for more pain to come — more masks, more shutdowns, and more endeavors to control American citizens.


Welcome, Instapundit readers!

Featured image: personal photo of Fauci mask for sale in Arlington, VA.

Written by

Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

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