Melania Trump Warns Americans: It Can Happen To You

Melania Trump Warns Americans: It Can Happen To You

Melania Trump Warns Americans: It Can Happen To You

Melania Trump may not be out on the campaign trail, but she definitely IS involved and monitoring. Yesterday she issued a stark warning to Americans. What happened to her and President Trump CAN happen to you.

As we’ve written and others have pointed out, the raid itself led by the Department of Justice was outrageous and clearly political in nature. And yes, they even went so far as to rifle through Melania’s belongings, her own office, and her closet

FBI agents scoured Melania Trump’s wardrobe and spent several hours combing through Donald Trump’s private office, breaking open his safe and rifling through drawers when they raided the former First Family’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida Monday morning.

The Post has learned that the search warrant used by the FBI to enter the palatial Palm Beach property focused solely on presidential records and evidence of classified information being stored there.

A source close to the former president expressed concern that FBI agents or DOJ lawyers conducting the search could have “planted stuff” because they would not allow Trump’s attorneys inside the 128-room building to observe the operation, which lasted more than nine hours.

The raid by over 30 plain clothes agents from the Southern District of Florida and the FBI’s Washington Field Office extended through the Trump family’s entire 3,000-square-foot private quarters, as well as to a separate office and safe, and a locked basement storage room in which 15 cardboard boxes of material from the White House were stored.

There’s no mention of searching Barron’s room, but I wouldn’t put it past the agents to have done so. The search itself, which took nearly 10 hours, was by all accounts, handled arrogantly and with malice. As has now been revealed, there were major internal concerns that this raid was political in nature. YOU THINK??!! 

Career officials from the FBI Washington field office eventually took an unusual step. They privately questioned a career DOJ prosecutor’s political donations to Democrats and what they saw as his aggressive stance toward Trump.

In both the FBI and DOJ, career officials, unlike political appointees, are expected to act in a strictly non-partisan manner. But the hyperpatisanship of contemporary American politics had seeped into the Mar-a-Lago investigation and threatened to slow it.

The stakes were high for all of those in the room — potentially career-ending — and for the country. The DOJ and FBI officials were deadlocked over how to retrieve what were believed to be dozens of top-secret documents that Trump had taken from the White House to Mar-a-Lago and declined to return.

There was dread, concerns that it would tarnish the FBI’s reputation and hurt people professionally. Well guys, the FBI’s reputation and many of your professional reputations are beyond tarnished. Trashed is more like it. 

Which leads me back to Melania’s warning. The DOJ, FBI, Jack Smith himself, and others have been working assiduously to weaponize the government against their political enemies…and ordinary Americans. Why else would a grandmother who only WALKED through hallways on January 6 be, after three years of legal harassment, be slapped with an ankle bracelet, fined, and face random drug tests for the next 36 months? 

Parents who spoke out in school board meetings have been investigated by the federal government. Yet we are supposed to believe that the DOJ is only following the rule of law? Merrick Garland is on the defensive right now. 

Garland is upset that HIS agency is being targeted by conspiracy theorists, and has been slandered and bullied by Americans, while implicitly implying this is all the fault of Donald Trump and his supporters. The DOJ “doesn’t bend to politics.” Yes really, he said that. It’s highly evident that Garland is spitting mad that Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the Mar-a-Lago documents case in July. 

Just a few days ago, Melania Trump asked a very important question about the assassination attempt on her husband.

Yes, why the silence from the Secret Service, the FBI, AND the Department of Justice? Don Lemon’s shameful diatribe notwithstanding, what he and those who abhor President Trump and by proxy, the rest of the Trump family, are forgetting something. It CAN happen to you. 

There are very specific reasons why the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Amendments were written into our Constitution. I was reminded of that last spring when we toured the Boston Tea Party. The American Revolution didn’t just start because of the outrageous taxes imposed on the 13 Colonies. It was ALSO due to the fact that King George sent troops to be housed in the homes of colonists whether they liked it or not. It was also due to the fact that King George would order searches of people’s homes and take property without any due process whatsoever. 

It DID happen then. It can happen now, and as Melania Trump points out, it has. 

Feature Photo Credit: White House Flickr, cropped and modified

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    The DOJ “doesn’t bend to politics.”
    Well, I’m going to be the contrarian here and say he’s sorta right. See, he isn’t partisan to Dems in his mind. No, he’s simply loyal to his fundamentalist Progressive religion. It’s not that he’s looking out for Dems, but that he’s looking to advance Progressivism and the Dems happen to be most aggressive about that. It’s why he will let some Republicans have a pass, as well – they are also Progressives, though of a “slower, with lower taxes” denomination. The Progs have taken over the Democrat party and are using it as their tool to advance the Deep State, because only through government force can they bring about their Utopia.

    If you’re still viewing this as merely a political thing, then you’re not going to be able to stop it.

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