To all the media “vanguards” who are proclaiming that Now The Truth Can Be Told™ about Joe Biden – where were you five years ago?
Not only that, but Biden ran for president multiple times, and the only time the media cut his ego down to size was the first time, in 1987, when his fabulism and plagiarism kicked the legs out from under his campaign. His attempt to run in 2007 was laughable, but did catch the eye of then-Senator Barack Obama, who put Biden on the ticket with him despite Biden’s comments about Obama himself. After eight years of being vice president, Joe was not-so-subtly shown the door by Obama and Hillary Clinton. As we all know now, the Biden family was busy enriching themselves on selling access to Joe in multiple ways – remember, those pardons for Hunter and the Biden siblings and spouses stretch back to 2014 – and by 2016, Biden was an afterthought in politics.
Then came 2020. Biden ended up as the default Democrat candidate once the DNC (but mostly Jim Clyburn) realized that nominating Bernie Sanders would be a huge problem for them. And then Biden won, fulfilling all his hopes and dreams – but as was obvious then, and became more apparent as time went on, Biden, who was never an intellectual giant by any stretch of the imagination, was collapsing in on himself. At first, COVID precautions (which is what likely got him elected in the first place, as his Zoom campaign appearances could be carefully scripted and curated with a lot less effort) were the excuse. But then the excuses ran out. And the media simply insisted that Joe Biden was fine. WE, the American public, were the ones who had a screw loose if we couldn’t see how FINE Joe Biden was. HE’S AS SHARP AS A TACK!
And then Joe Biden, after years of being propped up by the mainstream media, could no longer perform on stage. We all knew it, but it took Joe demonstrating his cognitive decline live on camera during the June debate for the media to be caught with their pants down. Biden loyalists like Mike Donilon and Karine Jean-Pierre still can’t understand why that one debate undid it all. The reason why is because after years of covering up for him, Joe Biden embarrassed the MEDIA. They spent whatever credibility they had insisting that we were being fed “cheap fakes” and saying “it was just a stutter,” when it was obvious to anyone with eyes, ears, and a brain that we were watching an old man get older, frailer, more confused, and less in control of himself over time.
The debate performance was simply the cold bitchslap of reality hitting the media square in the face. To deny that there was a problem would cost more credibility than the media could afford. So, belatedly, they went on the offensive. The end result, after much heartburn by Democrats and the media, was a Kamala Harris coronation. We all saw how that turned out.
If Kamala had won, Biden would be remembered in the media as the “elder statesman” who stepped aside for the greater good. But she lost (thank God), and Trump 2.0 (the media’s worst nightmare) was in. Many media outlets are in the process of recalibrating, firing people, or watching longtime media mouthpieces for Democrats leave for supposedly greener pastures (their own Substacks or podcasts). The sheer craven opportunism that we are now seeing from the media – Jake Tapper being example “A” of a two-faced liar who supported Joe Biden right until he could make a profit about Telling The Story™ – should have been expected. But it’s no less ugly for being expected, and anyone who speaks up now, when they can no longer be punished or mocked by their own peers for it, should be mercilessly mocked by the public NOW for their extreme cowardice.
Enter Chuck Todd, now the former NBC “Meet The Press” anchor, decided to Tell Some Truths™ on his own podcast. And wouldn’t you know it, he thinks Joe Biden should never have run for president! But not for the reason you might think. Ol’ Chuck actually has a loathing for Biden that he has previously never revealed.
Joining Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt on his The Warning podcast this week, Todd ripped into Biden as he argued it’s “time” for the Democratic Party to move on from longtime leaders like Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).
“Joe Biden never should have been there in the first place, right? Number one, he shouldn’t have run for president,” Todd said.
Todd, the former Meet the Press moderator, argued Biden had no business running for president in 2020 because he had multiple family members facing serious personal struggles, including his son Hunter Biden, who received a controversial pardon from his dad after being convicted on gun and tax charges related to his days struggling with drug addiction.
*getting the popcorn* DO TELL, CHUCK.
“I completely got so angry at Joe Biden, the man, when I read the transcript of the Hunter Biden trial and when I realized that not one, not two, but three Biden children — and I count Beau’s widow — were all dealing with drug problems in 2018, and Joe Biden said, ‘Now’s a perfect time to run for president because who cares about our family,’” Todd said.
He added that Biden built a “bullshit” mythology around his family man image, but he’s really a “craven political animal that was desperate.”
How CONVEEEEEENIENT that Chucky here is willing to Speak Truths™ when he’s no longer on NBC.
Chuck Todd and Steve Schmidt unleashed: Joe Biden and his crackhead children edition
Steve also takes a swipe at the Lincoln Project.
— The Researcher (@listen_2learn) March 3, 2025
Oh, but it gets BETTER. Apparently Chuck Todd had a conversation WITH A CABINET MEMBER IN 2022 (who he does not identify) who said Biden couldn’t run again. Todd says he revealed this “six months ago.” DUDE. THAT WAS WELL AFTER BIDEN DROPPED OUT. (The relevant audio begins at 6:40.) Todd also points out that the only time he was able to get Biden on “Meet The Press” was during May 2020, from his basement. And he refers to his “idiot colleagues” who helped cover the whole thing up, and concedes that MAYYYYYBE he should have been “more public” about his complaints about the lack of access to Biden.
Everyone knew Joe Biden was in cognitive decline. The state media just didn’t talk about it and now they are paying the price for their dishonesty which is Trump 2.0. Chuck Todd said Tony Blinken was in on the cover-up.
Chuck and Todd also talk about Ukraine, censorship and…
— The Researcher (@listen_2learn) March 3, 2025
Todd also claims that “the daily press corps” are really to blame here, because THEY were the ones who should have pushed harder. Um, yeah. I seem to remember Peter Doocy getting all kinds of grief from press secretaries and Biden himself for daring to push hard questions, and the media was willing to sit there and let Doocy take the hit because they were too cowardly to do so. Where was Chuck Todd asking the NBC reporters why they weren’t pressing the same way that Peter Doocy was?
So no, there is no sympathy or absolution for Chuck Todd here. Like everyone else in the press, they knew that Biden was cognitively diminished and his “inner circle” was protecting him. It’s only because they lost, and the Democrats are now struggling in the political wilderness without a true leader, that the blame is being retroactively shifted to Biden and that inner circle. But the media were all in on it. Attempting to pull the Now The Story Can Be Told™ card isn’t going to work. They deserve every single bit of scorn and irrelevancy. They’ve earned it.
Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click
The media are ALL accessories before, during, and after the fact to the damage done to our nation by the Biden crime family and those pulling his strings, including Obama and Soros.
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