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The Republican members of the House of Representatives are expected to hold their internal vote for Speaker of the House today. You may find this odd because, as of this writing, the Republicans have not taken the majority in the House. They are projected to win, but in this Election Season, that means exactly squat. They are going to take the vote anyway. It is being reported that the Conservatives in the Freedom Caucus are warning Kevin McCarthy, the current Minority Leader, that he doesn’t have the 218 votes to win outright.
If you have been reading Victory Girls Blog for the last week, you know I am not a fan of Kevin McCarthy. If you haven’t been reading VG for the last week, what in the hale have you been doing? Just kidding. I wrote last week that we need a PURGE of the leadership in the House and Kevin is on my list. I am Irish enough to think it’s tempting fate to anticipate a win before it’s official, but vote they will. Last night, NBC News reported:
Conservative lawmakers sent a strong message to House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy on Monday, telling him he doesn’t have the votes to be the next speaker.
The warning shot came just one day before McCarthy heads into a closed-door election seeking to become his party’s nominee for speaker of the House starting in January.
The California Republican is expected to easily surpass the simple majority needed to win the nomination, but members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus are planning to put up a symbolic challenger to make clear that McCarthy can’t reach the magic number needed — 218 votes — in the formal floor vote when the new Congress convenes on Jan. 3.
Um, we (Conservatives/Republicans/MAGAs) need a little something, something more than SYMBOLISM. We do not need a futile and stupid gesture. We have two years to show Americans who we really are. We ain’t got time for shenanigans or capering about. Okay, I still haven’t forgiven McCarthy for the lie that Republicans were going to “repeal and replace Obamacare”. There never was a plan.
Personally, I like Louisiana Representative Steve Scalise and I thought I liked Arizona Representative Andy Biggs for strategic reasons. I mean, hello Arizona! Then I saw this tweet from “The Great One” Mark Levin.
1. Andy Biggs has spent years opposing Convention of States. As Arizona Senate president he refused to allow a vote on it. Only after he went to Congress was Arizona able to pass its resolution for Convention of States.
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) November 14, 2022
Well, dayum.
Meanwhile, Jamie Raskin, Impeacher Renowned, (D-MA) is trying to scare the sheeples with the idea that Republicans will vote Donald Trump in for Speaker of the House.
I told you so… Lil Jamie Raskin seems worried this morning- Trump Speaker? This would be sooooo sweet if Trump announced this tomorrow. 😁
— Mary (@MaryRaw23562101) November 14, 2022
While I like Steve Scalise of Louisiana as Speaker of the House, he doesn’t want the job. Scalise has thrown his support behind Kevin McCarthy and Scalise has made it known that he wants to be Majority Leader often as in this video below:
To give the devil, Kevin McCarthy, his due, many Republicans are pointing out the work that he has done to recruit new and diverse candidates. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich endorsed McCarthy and explained his reasons in a Washington Times Op-Ed:
Mr. McCarthy has worked long and hard to help elect a House Republican majority.
I know.
I joined the House Republicans at their planning session in Florida in the spring, which led to the Commitment to America. I was invited to join them in briefing the members on the Commitment in September as they prepared to launch it publicly.
You can see how much work and thought has gone into this positive platform. It is a much more thorough document than the Contract with America was. You can see more than 150 policy proposals if you go to
Beyond policy development, McCarthy asked me to join him for the last three days of campaigning. We went from Charleston, South Carolina, to Sarasota and Jacksonville, Florida, to McCallum, Texas (6 miles from the Rio Grande), and then ended the campaign with a rally in Virginia Beach, where Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears, and Atty. Gen. Jason Miyares joined us.
In 2020, Mr. McCarthy recruited women and minorities. When the so-called experts said House Republicans would lose 25 seats, he managed to pick up 15 (a turnaround of 40 seats from Democrats’ and news media’s expectations).
Since August, Mr. McCarthy, currently the Republican House leader, traveled to 39 states and campaigned with more than 170 congressional candidates. Punchbowl News noted his efforts at fundraising and credited what it called the “McCarthy Machine” with raising $500 million.
As you watch and listen to the various expert analyses of the election results, just remember that power on Capitol Hill has shifted decisively.
Arrgh. I am not sure I trust Newt either. At least the party vote tomorrow will take our minds off all of the losing we have done lately. That’s something. We won’t win again if the states don’t tighten up their voting systems. Election Season is not working for me.
Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/ Commons
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Here’s my suggestion (and I’m being serious). Let me preface this by saying I have minimal understanding of how a new Speaker of the House is selected (other than getting a simple majority of House members) or … and this is important … how to remove a Speaker once they’ve been elected. I’m assuming there’s a process by calling some “No Confidence” vote.
So, here’s my suggestion for the red-blooded conservatives (I’ll do you a favor by not referring to them as Republicans given the angst against the “Republican party and their leaders”) … The Freedom Caucus should, in unison, say, “If a Trumpian/Red-Blood Conservative is not elected to the Speakership, the members of the Freedom Caucus will throw their support to Nancy Pelosi for Speaker.” Period. Full stop.
I am assuming, again, without digging through the rules of the House on how to “remove” a Speaker, that a Speaker can be removed from office by a “No Confidence” vote of the House members. So, the Freedom Caucus can throw their support to Pelosi (they would actually have to do this and just not blow hot air up McCarthy’s anus), and once Pelosi (even better AOC) is elected and the Republican caucus goes bat shit crazy and McCarthy pulls his name and Gomert, Jordan, Gaetz, Taylor-Green, Boebert (or whomever the Trumpian nominee is) will then get a majority of the 218+ Republicans who control the House or else suffer with a Satan loving, baby killing, Trans/gay marriage/GLBTQ supportive, trillion dollar deficit spending, destroying America Democrat.
Well, I found out the answer, it only takes a simple majority to remove a Speaker. There’s my Hail Mary pass to the conservatives who are sick and tired of McCarthy, McConnell, and the other failed Republican leaders. Make sure to give me credit when the Hail Mary pass is caught and you get Gomert as your next Speaker of the House.
Which Newt do you not trust? He re-invents himself about every 18 months. Newt is Karl Rove without the annoying white board.
A convention of states in my opinion would be disastrous. There is no way to control it. The last one was not controlled either, but then we had a different class of delegates to attend and manage it. Instead of a COS, how about we just insist that the one we now have be followed.
Why does anyone think that a new or somehow improved Constitution would be followed any better than the current one?
[…] can like or dislike Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) all you want. Many do not like him. Fine. The problem is, he is the sole nominee of the Republicans for House Speaker. They […]